Home Business Ideas 9 Easy to Implement Ideas to Monetize Your Website in 2020

9 Easy to Implement Ideas to Monetize Your Website in 2020

how to make money with your blog in 2020 - ideas to monetize your blog

Use these ideas to monetize your website. Earn a living and live your best life.

Starting a website is incredibly exciting, but are you making enough money from it?

If you’re like most bloggers, you have not started earning a liveable income from your website, but, you would love to.

In this post today, I will walk you through a couple of ways to monetize your website – they are simple, any-one-can-do opportunities to earn money from your website.

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Keep this in mind when monetizing your blog

Slow-loading website will cost you money.

Here’s the thing, a one-second delay in website load time reduces page views by 11%, decreases customer satisfaction by 16%, conversion rate by 7% and cause about $2.5 million in missed revenue yearly if your shop generates $100,000 per day.

These statistics show that speed is essential when monetizing a website but sadly, only a few people have taken actions to address this.

For instance, the recommended maximum load time is 3 secs but a study by Google shows that the average time it takes a mobile landing page to load in 15.3 seconds.

Of course, this shows that an average website is 12 seconds slower.

The unfortunate thing with this is that every second delay will likely lead to a higher bounce rate and this is going to affect the amount of revenue your website makes.

So, it is pertinent that you optimize your website for the users first, before going ahead with any monetization strategy.

When you are ready, here are a few ways to get started immediately.

9 ways to make money from your website in 2020

ideas to monetize your website - blogger creating content for their blog

There are plenty of ways you can monetize your website, but this post has compiled 9 super-effective ways to do this.

If you find it useful, please share to your friend and I will be super grateful.

So, let’s get started.

Start with AdSense

AdSense is an ad serving application run by Google that allows website owners to generate revenue from ads that appears on their websites.

It allows website owners to display Google’s ads to their visitors and earns when they either click on the ads or sees it depending on whether the advertiser is running a pay-per-click campaign or per-impression.

Implement Google Survey

This works exactly like Google AdSense but the only difference is that instead of publishing ads, the website will host survey questionnaires.

It is a Google product that facilitates customized market research.

Instead of scouring the street in search of respondents to research questions, Google Survey allows researchers and marketers to reach these people with their questionnaires when they are online.

The researcher pays little money to Google and part of that money is shared with the publisher if any of their visitors complete the survey.

Leverage affiliate marketing

Today, you don’t necessarily have to stock products or acquire a proprietary license for certain software before you can sell them.

All you have to do is to sign up to become an affiliate marketer for the products.

Of course, promote the products on your website and get paid when someone purchases using the link you provided on your website.

In 2020, the US affiliate marketing spending alone is projected to reach $6.8 billion and today, about 81% of marketers and 84% of brands leverage affiliate marketing.

Sell your product

Instead of selling someone else products and earn about 5%-30% commission, you might consider selling your products on your website.

Luckily, there are a couple of things you could sell on your website. Digital products like e-books, video tutorials, courses are good examples of the things you can start with. You can also host paid webinars or podcasts.

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Sell Ad space

Another great way to monetize your website is by allowing third-party companies to advertise on your website and then charge them money for every 1000 impressions.

The truth is once your website has the audience, advertisers will scramble for advertising space. You can sell this to interested companies and make money from the impressions.

One amazing thing with this is that the cost per thousand impressions goes up as your traffic and audience grow.

Allow sponsored post

Apart from traditional ads, a lot of brands leverage sponsored posts on high-traffic blogs to promote their businesses.

A study projected that in 2021 digital-only content will become a $24 billion industry. You can tap into this by accepting sponsored posts on your website.

The good news is that you don’t even need to do anything serious to get these people. Some companies are actively looking for blogs that will feature their sponsored posts.

Generate leads

A study shows that content marketing generates 3 times more leads than traditional marketing. Of course, this presents a viable opportunity to monetize your website.

You can get started by publishing free quality content that addresses specific pain points of the consumers and offers the opportunity to help.

You can connect them to the right companies and the truth is a couple of them will be willing to pay for those leads. But be sure though you don’t violate people’s privacy when doing this.

Article subscription

A study shows that almost 3 in 10 adults with internet connection in the US have paid for premium print or digital content in the past month.

The same study found that slightly more than 1 in 4 respondents have paid for a digital magazine subscription, with aggregate estimated spending up by 16% from 2016.

These show that article subscription service is a viable monetization option. You can leverage it to drive more revenue from your website.

Try Repixel

With Repixel, you can get paid for every 1000 pageviews on your blog and the amazing thing is that you can start earning within 48 hours.

Repixel is a marketplace that connects non-competitive companies in the same niche and allows them to easily retarget each other’s websites’ visitors or app users.

For instance, if you blog on hair care tips, hair care salons or products reseller might be interested in targeting your audience to serve them their Facebook ads.

You can monetize your website by spinning up a new Facebook pixel and share with them. They will use this to build a lookalikes audience.

To get started with Repixel, create an account, set your price and list your website on the marketplace and in less than 48 hours, you will get a lot of advertisers tagging you for a pixel.

Choose the ones you want to work with and start earning for every 1000 pages views on your website.

Unlike AdSense, you control virtually everything; both the pricing and who to work with. 

9 Ideas to monetize your website: Wrapping it up

Monetizing your website isn’t as difficult as people make it seem. Luckily, this post compiled 9 proven ways to do that without going insane.

You can combine several of them to build an effective monetization strategy or you might also like to check out other ideas like

  • Building a mailing list and use newsletters to promote third party products,
  • Request for donations or contributions.
  • Start a drop-shipping business.
  • Do product reviews for companies.
  • Offer a service.

Whichever strategy you chose to go with, always ensure that your website’s load time is within 3 seconds and also, mobile and user-friendly.

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  • Chinasa Ferderick

    Ferderick is a highly skilled marketing expert with a passion for helping small businesses thrive in today's competitive landscape. With his comprehensive knowledge of the industry and expertise in marketing and SEO strategies, he has successfully assisted numerous businesses in achieving their goals.

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