Home StrategyCritical Business Concepts Here’s How To Name Your Business Without Stress In 4 Easy Steps

Here’s How To Name Your Business Without Stress In 4 Easy Steps

See how you can name your business without stress

In this guest post, Grant Polachek of Squadhelp.com outlines 4 easy-to-implement frameworks on how to name your business and build a memorable brand everyone will like.

It’s great to have a high-performing product, but the perceived value of your business is just as important as the real value it offers customers.

Every company that customers hold in high regard possesses the Midas touch, a special feature that can push a brand to extraordinary heights of success.

But even though your brand’s perceived value is tied to the services you deliver, your true value is firmly linked to your brand’s name and the identity of your business. And, yes, buyers instantly attach value to your business after hearing your brand’s name.

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Finding the right name is a great place to start if you want your company to stand out in this crowded market. So, to help you, here’s a quick guide that’d lead you through the basic steps to finding a powerful name that’ll set your business apart.

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Here’s How to Pick the Perfect Business Name

Even if you’ve spent years building a game-changing concept that will disrupt your industry, your brand won’t be able to achieve genuine success unless it’s supported by a strong brand name.

Choosing the perfect name might appear difficult, but don’t worry; these steps will simplify the process and lead you to the finest brand name for your company.

Knowing Your Target Market and Industry 

Knowledge paves the path for a memorable name. So, instead of daydreaming, get to work, research, and learn everything you can about your business, audience, and competitors.

Make sure you know all there is to know about your company’s values, purpose, vision, and goals. This information can help you choose a powerful tone and personality for your company.

Additional Reading: Understanding Your Small Business Target Audience

Discover the Best Brand Tone

The best way to create a name that represents your company’s fundamental beliefs is to ensure that it has the appropriate tone that triggers a strong emotional reaction in your target audience.

So, concentrate on your target market and determine what attracts them to your business. Knowing who your brand’s target customers are will help you decide if your brand’s tone should be:

  • Amiable and inviting
  • Practical or pragmatic
  • Fun and playful

Discover the Secondary Elements of Your Brand

Unless you actively give life to your brand, it will only exist as a concept in your mind. And the simplest approach to bringing your brand to life is to identify its secondary elements. These elements express your brand’s personality and identity, and they include your brand’s:

  • Big idea
  • Brand mission, vision, and goals
  • Value proposition

Understanding these essential elements will assist you in developing a brand identity that accurately reflects your company to its target audience.

Brainstorm for the Perfect Name

Understanding your market, determining the right brand tone, and defining your brand’s identity and personality will help you establish your brand’s naming criteria. Your brand’s naming criteria will give you a clear image of the right name for your business.

So, get creative and look through dictionaries and thesauruses for words that meet your company’s naming needs. Make a list of short, attractive, inventive, memorable, or symbolic terms to help your company stand out.

However, if naming your company sounds too difficult and challenging, you can always use a powerful business name generator. Name generators are the most efficient way to create a memorable brand name.

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Here’s How To Name Your Business Without Stress In 4 Easy Steps 1

Put Your List of Brand Names to the Test

Don’t just pick a name randomly because it sounds good after you’ve compiled a list of prospective brand names suitable for your naming requirements. Instead, run your list through a small sample of your target audience.

After you’ve tested these names, choose the best one and check with the USPTO to see whether another brand has already been trademarked. Verifying your company’s name with the USPTO safeguards it against future copyright disputes.

About the Author

Grant Polachek is the head of branding for Squadhelp.com, 3X Inc 5000 startup and disruptive naming agency. Squadhelp has reviewed over 1 million names and curated a collection of the best available names on the web today. We are also the world’s leading crowdsource naming platform, supporting clients such as Nestle, Dell, Nuskin, and AutoNation.


  • Sam Steve

    Sam Steve is a strategic content marketer and founder of Emira Digital Publishing. He helps clients grow their online presence by writing primarily about digital marketing, SME growth hacking strategies, and productivity. Connect with Sam on social media:

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