Home Money ManagementFinancing 5 Cool Ways to Raise Money for Your Business for the First Time

5 Cool Ways to Raise Money for Your Business for the First Time

how to raise money for your business for the first time - crowdfunding, bank loans, angel investors

Here’s how you can raise money for your business for the first time without going bonkers.

Congratulations on your decision to start a business. You’re in great company here. Most of our readers are people who want to start or are currently running their own businesses.

One thing you would have noticed by now is that businesses don’t just happen. Even with a brilliant viable idea, you need to put several moving parts in place before your idea can become a business.

And, you need money – loads of it actually, to turn your brilliant business idea from just ideas to reality.

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Here’s the thing, you will need to build a modern, user-friendly website for your business. You will have to set up a team to successfully launch your startup. And, you will need a marketing budget, no matter how small, to create the first buzz for the business.

Unfortunately, all these cost money, which you don’t have right now.

You will need money to get the business off the ground, whether you sell physical products or services.

Here’s where you are lucky once again; most of our readers were once in this position you are in before they went on to raise cash for their business.

So, how could they raise money for their business for the first time?

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Bootstrap Your Startup

This is the most common suggestion that start-up investors and experts recommend. You need to ask yourself whether or not you need an investor.

Research shows that more than 90 percent of new businesses are launched by the bootstrapping method.

Bootstrapping – or self-funding – means starting the business with your own money. And it is a good thing to have some skin in the game. This is because no investor will look at you twice if you have not invested anything into your business.

Moreover, self-funding also ties you to the business. However, this may not be an excellent option if your business needs money right from the first day.

And this takes us to the next point.

Family and Friends

It is not always a pleasant experience asking family and friends for money. It can be daunting because not all of them will believe in your dream.

But you shouldn’t allow that to stop you from asking. It never hurts to ask. Just make sure your business plan is drawn up and ready.

Your business plan will help to explain what you intend to do, how you will make money, etc.

You may also need to specify whether you need an investment, a loan, or a gift. Should they expect their money back? When should they expect their money? Etc.

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5 Cool Ways to Raise Money for Your Business for the First Time 1


Crowdfunding has helped many businesses to get off the ground. In 2013, crowdfunding sites raised an astonishing $5.1 billion. That is a billion with a “B.”

Crowdfunding gave many side projects fighting chances, and those businesses became multi-million-dollar companies.

For example, Oculus Virtual Reality was crowdfunded before being purchased by Facebook in 2014 for $2 billion. Bragi Wireless Headphones, and SkyBell Video Doorbell, just to name a few, were a couple of other American companies that were crowdfunded.

Here’s how a crowdfunding campaign works: an entrepreneur with a business idea or existing business signs up on crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, etc.

Next, a full business description will be posted on the platform. You will need to state the following:

  •        Your business goals
  •        The plans you have for making a profit
  •        How much funding do you need?
  •        Why do you need such an amount for your start-up? Etc.

If users like the idea after reading through all the information you provided, they will donate some money.

Another benefit of crowdfunding as an option for raising funds for your business is that it can help market your service or product.

It is also perfect for small businesses as it cuts out brokers, professional investors, etc., and puts the entire funding in the hands of the general public.

But then, if your start-up has an impressively successful campaign, you may end up attracting venture-capital investment later on!

Angel Investors

Most angel investors are highly successful business professionals. They are individuals with high net worth and are always interested in investing in companies with the potential to become big.

If you’re in Lagos, Nigeria, you can inquire at the Lagos Angel Network, an invite-only group for angel investors. Also, think of asking for suggestions and/or recommendations from your entrepreneur friends.

Most of the tech start-ups in the country today were funded with angel investors’ money.

Consider Taking Out a Bank Loans

To qualify for a traditional bank loan, you may have to prove that your start-up is making money already. And that a loan can help you to make much more.

Recently, many major Nigerian banks are beginning to show interest in funding small businesses. Check out UBA’s TETF grants for entrepreneurs. Union Bank, Fidelity, and GTB also have loans earmarked for SMEs

Of course, each bank will usually have its terms and conditions. A traditional bank loan may be what you need to get ahead with your start-up.

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5 Cool Ways to Raise Money for Your Business for the First Time 2

Final thoughts on how to raise money for your business for the first time

Funding is the hardest part of getting started with a business idea. But following the suggestions above can get you started on your dream project.

So, follow and enjoy the process, no matter how long down the road it takes you. And if you don’t lose steam along the way, your startup may soon be ranked among multimillion-dollar companies within a few years!

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