Home Real Estate Marketing How to Convert Real Estate Web Visitors to Leads: Complete CRO Guide

How to Convert Real Estate Web Visitors to Leads: Complete CRO Guide

How to Convert Real Estate Web Visitors to Leads: Complete CRO Guide

Discover effective strategies to convert real estate website visitors into valuable leads. Use our complete CRO guide to improve your conversion rates.

It’s possible to struggle to convert enough web visitors to customers even if you have a lot of traffic

Research suggests that real estate websites typically achieve a 2.35 percent conversion rate, on average. This means that only about two in every 100 people that visit your website will pay. This leaves nearly 98 percent of your potential sales on the table. 

Scary, right?

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But it can be much higher if you have a few strategies at your disposal.

Thankfully, in this article, we’ll explore conversion rate optimization (CRO) and its potential to improve real estate conversions. We’ll also discuss techniques for boosting your website conversion rates. 

Let’s start by explaining the concept of conversion rate optimization. 

What Is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion rate optimization involves improving your website to increase the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action. It could be filling out a form or making a purchase. 

So, CRO doesn’t just focus on bringing more people to your site. It aims to get the most benefit from the visitors you already have.

Let’s picture you own a fun park. 

Your goal is to bring in visitors and motivate them to enjoy the park, hopefully buying entry passes for the exciting rides. Let’s say on a particular day, 500 people come to the park. 

But only 50 of them choose to buy tickets. 

The next day you put up captivating signage and manage to persuade 100 visitors to buy tickets. Though the same number of people visited the park on both days, you effectively doubled your conversion rate on the second day.

In digital marketing, the conversion rate signifies the selling power of your website. 

If you had 500 website visitors and only 10 made a purchase, your conversion rate would be two percent. But by using CRO techniques, you can make your website layouts more engaging and create appealing deals to increase that number significantly.

Top 7 Real Estate Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies

Here are five actionable steps you can take to convert more of your real estate website visitors to customers today:

1. Optimize Your Website Design

Your website’s look and feel can impact the conversion rate.

A user-friendly and visually appealing website can leave an impact, build trust, and ultimately increase conversions. While a poorly designed website can discourage engagement and drive visitors away. So, optimize your website design to build a good first impression.

And here’s how:

  • Ensure that your layout is clear and consistent so that visitors can easily find what they’re looking for.
  • Use a design that adjusts seamlessly to devices and screen sizes (responsive design).
  • Incorporate high-quality images and videos that effectively showcase your offerings and customer testimonials.
  • Make use of contrasting colors and fonts to draw attention to your selling points and compelling call to action.
  • Use white spaces and bullet points to break up large chunks of text enhancing readability.
  • Add headings to make your content scannable.

Need to outrank competitors? Get hundreds of quality backlinks to boost domain authority, generate referral traffic, and get ahead of the competition.

2. Use Heatmapping Tools

Heatmapping tools give insights into web visitors’ behaviors. 

They can help reveal where visitors click, scroll, hover, or exit. One of the most popular heatmapping tools is Hotjar, an excellent tool for generating heatmaps for your website. 

It helps you to understand the sections of your website that attract the most attention and the ones that generate less traction. This knowledge can help you to optimize your website accordingly.

How to Convert Real Estate Web Visitors to Leads: Complete CRO Guide 2

Enhancing your website’s performance and user satisfaction becomes much easier from there.

Check out Hotjar review to see how we use this tool for insights into web visitors’ behaviors.

3. Create a Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is an incentive that you offer to visitors in exchange for their contact information. 

It could be an ebook, a guide, a checklist, a webinar, or any other valuable resource. You could also use discounts or free trials as one. The key is to create something that is of high quality and that will provide value to your target audience. 

The first step is to identify your target audience’s main pain points. 

Next, come up with a solution or offer that addresses them. Then, use a compelling copy and call to action to encourage them to take action.

4. Go For Omnichannel Presence

An omnichannel presence means being active on multiple channels where your target audience is. 

How to Convert Real Estate Web Visitors to Leads: Complete CRO Guide 3

It provides additional touch points and opportunities for prospects to contact and experience your brand. This improves your chances of converting them. But more than having a presence everywhere, it’s about being consistent with your brand image. 

According to Salesforce, 72 percent of consumers expect a consistent experience across all channels. Plus, 81 percent tend to engage with companies that provide an omnichannel experience. 

So, whether it’s through social media, website, or email, maintaining a consistent and seamless experience across these platforms can greatly enhance your brand’s conversion rates. 

And we recommend going for them.

Recommended For You: Gain powerful, actionable on-page optimization insights with Surfer SEO to outrank your competitors and dominate the organic competition.

5. Become an Industry Thought Leader

The real estate industry is highly competitive.

To stand out, you’d need to establish yourself as an authority. And here are why it matters:

  • People are more likely to do business with you when they perceive you as an industry authority.
  • An excellent way to establish a solid online reputation.
  • Helps you establish trust and credibility.

To become a thought leader, begin by sharing your knowledge and expertise with others. Write blog posts at industry events and actively engage on social media. 

The goal is to demonstrate how your expertise can benefit clients. 

More Reading: How to Brand Yourself as a Thought Leader In Your Industry

6. Supercharge With Collect Chat

Making it effortless for web visitors to convert seamlessly can supercharge your conversion rate.

And one of our favorite tools for achieving this is CollectChat. It’s a conversational chatbot builder that let you:

  • Create personalized and engaging conversations that capture your visitors’ attention and interest.
  • Ask relevant questions that qualify your leads and segment them based on their needs and preferences.
  • Offer incentives or rewards that motivate your visitors to share their contact information.

The software is intuitive. But you can choose any of its templates to set up your chatbot quickly. When you are satisfied with what you have, then embed the bot on your landing pages or high-traffic web pages or posts. This allows web visitors to interact with it, quickly, effectively converting them into leads.

Use Zapier to connect Collect Chat to your email marketing list and Facebook ads for real-time retargeting. This way, you can follow up with your leads via email or ads and move them further down the sales funnel.

7. Use Social Proof

Real estate needs social validations to sell.

And that’s what social proof does. It’s the evidence that other people have used and approved of your product or service. It is a powerful marketing tool you can leverage to increase sales and build trust. 

Social proof can influence your visitors’ decisions by reducing their uncertainty and triggering their fear of missing out (FOMO) on your amazing offer.How to Convert Real Estate Web Visitors to Leads: Complete CRO Guide 4

If, for instance, a prospect visits your website and sees ratings and reviews from customers on platforms such as Zillow, Google, Facebook, or Yelp, they will be more likely to trust your business. 

The truth is, when potential customers see that other people have had positive experiences with your business, they are more likely to feel confident in doing business with you as well.

We have written extensively on how to leverage social proofs for marketing. And you might want to check it out.

Recommended For You? Learn how we use Omnisend for small business WhatsApp marketing. Uncover proven strategies to improve customer experience, strengthen brand awareness and increase sales.

Top 5 CRO Audit Strategies to Boost Your Conversion Rate

Now that you know some of the best ways to improve your real estate conversion rate, how do you know if they are working and measure your progress and results? That’s where a CRO audit comes in. 

Here are five tips on how to conduct a CRO audit for your real estate website:

  • Use Google Analytics to track your website traffic, conversions, bounce rate, time on site, and other key metrics. You can also set up goals and funnels to measure how visitors move through your website.
  • Use Google Search Console to monitor your website’s performance on search engines. You can see how many impressions, clicks, and conversions you get from organic search. You can also see what keywords are driving traffic to your website.
  • Use A/B testing tools like Optimizely or VWO to compare different versions of your website elements. You can test headlines, images, colors, buttons, copy, layout, and offers. You can see which version performs better and generates more conversions.
  • Use user feedback tools like SurveyMonkey or Collect.Chat to collect feedback from your visitors and customers. You can ask them about their satisfaction, preferences, expectations, and suggestions. You can use this feedback to improve your website and service.
  • Use competitor analysis tools like SEMrush or Moz to see what your competitors are doing to optimize their conversion rates. You can see their traffic sources, keywords, backlinks, content, and ads. You can use this information to find gaps and opportunities in your niche.

Need to Get More From Your Existing Customers? Learn how we use Loyalzoo to improve customer retention rates, get more referrals and build a loyal customer base.

Real Estate CRO Strategies: Now, What Next?

When you invest your time, energy, and finances into driving traffic to your website, you want to make sure that those clicks result in sales.

We believe that the insights in this blog post have equipped you to begin your journey in Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). But if you’re new to the real estate industry, feel free to check out our guide on how to grow your small business in 2023 for even more helpful tips.

Hand-Picked For You:

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Average Website Conversion Rate For Real Estate? 

The average website conversion rate in real estate varies depending on the source, industry, and type of conversion. According to a study by the National Association of Realtors, the average conversion rate for real estate websites is 2.35   percent. 

However, this number can be higher or lower depending on the quality of your website, traffic, and offer.

What Is a Good Real Estate Conversion Rate? 

Achieving a good conversion rate in the real estate industry depends on your objectives, industry standards, and the competition. 

As a guideline, we advise that you target a conversion rate of 5 percent. You can enhance your conversion rate by using tools like Hotjar to see what’s working and what’s not – then you can optimize your website accordingly.

What Strategy Can Increase Conversion Rate Quickly? 

There isn’t an approach that guarantees an increase in conversion rates. Nonetheless, there are effective strategies worth considering. Such as:

  • Improving your website design and user experience
  • Creating a compelling value proposition and call to action
  • Offering a lead magnet or incentive that attracts and converts visitors
  • Using social proof and testimonials to build trust and credibility
  • Segmenting and targeting your audience based on their needs and preferences
What Is the Lead Conversion Rate for Zillow?

According to Zillow their rate of converting leads typically falls between 3 and 5 percent. However, the actual outcome will depend on factors such as your level of effort, expertise, and the systems you have in place.

What Are Landing Page Conversion Rates? 

Landing page conversion rates are the percentage of visitors who take a desired action on a specific web page. These rates can vary depending on the industry, offer, and design. 

Research by Unbounce found that the average conversion rate, for landing pages, across industries stands at 9.7  percent. However, different industries may experience lower conversion rates compared to this figure.


  • Emmanuel Adefuye

    Meet Emmanuel, a creative genius specializing in creating SEO blog posts. In the last three years, he's made it his business to use best practices combined with razor-sharp editing skills to produce top-caliber SEO content for blogs and businesses. When it comes to creating digital narratives that matter, he knows just how to work his magic by blending strategic thinking with imaginative naunces in every work produced. Beyond his love for producing captivating reads, he has a great love for furry pets and mouth-watering cuisines. You'll find him meandering through different literary worlds in his free time. But be careful, he'll talk you in to what's tingles his current fancy.

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