Home Real Estate Marketing Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses: Advanced Guide

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses: Advanced Guide

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Discover advanced strategies for effective keyword research real estate businesses. Use this actionable guide to boost your SEO  and gain a competitive edge in the real estate industry.

Over 90% of published content receives no Google search traffic? 

The implication is that most U.S. real estate businesses will get little attention from prospects despite having a solid website. Scary, right?

However, with a strong keyword plan, you will assert your presence organically and get ahead of the competition. Thankfully this guide covers advanced real estate keyword research strategies. 

Recommended For You: Explore latest SEO strategies to rank your website on the Google’s first page this year. Discover out-of-the-box techniques most SEO professionals use to improve their clients' organic visibility, grow website traffic, and help them generate more leads. Get Started Now

You’ll learn how to use tools and approaches to locate your niche’s best keywords, appraise their difficulty and potential, and optimize your content for them.

So, let’s get started!

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How Real Estate Businesses Can Benefit From Keyword Research

About 95% of internet users use the Internet at some stage of the purchase decision-making process.

And that’s not all: about 44% of home buyers start their home hunt online. From this, it is clear that if you want to capture people’s attention, you need to rank for the keywords they use.

If your real estate business is at the top of their search results, it will catch their eye immediately.

The instant recognition makes you seem like a more trustworthy competitor in your field and shows potential clients that you have what they are looking for.

By performing focused keyword research, you can boost the quality of your website content by smartly integrating keywords that internet users often use in their searches.

This technique brings two significant benefits to your real estate website: increased visibility and better accessibility for your target audience.

Need to outrank competitors? Get hundreds of quality backlinks to boost domain authority, generate referral traffic, and get ahead of the competition.

Advanced Strategies For Real Estate Keyword Research

Understanding the importance of keyword research is one thing, but successfully executing it is another. Real estate businesses that want to find the right keywords can benefit from advanced keyword research methods, which we’ll discuss below.

Use Google Search Console to find keyword opportunities

Google Search Console can  track your all keywords, enabling you to find keyword opportunities for your real estate business. And the good thing is this tool is free. All you need is a Gmail account to use it.

First, create an account and add your website to the tool. To do this, head over to the Google Search Console and click the ‘Start Now’ button.

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses

Next, sign in with your Gmail account, add property by entering your website’s URL, and then verify your website. Several online resources can guide you through this step.

Now, wait for some days to enable the tool to collect enough search data.

But if you already have a GSC account, then navigate to the Performance section in the left sidebar to access valuable data about your website’s performance in search results.

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses

Next, click on the Queries tab to view the keywords driving traffic to your website or explore the Pages tab to uncover which pages on your website rank well in search results.

real estate keyword research

Now, look at the keywords associated with your chosen page or query. Simply click on the page or query URL, and the report will refresh to show the keywords for that page and query. 

Ensure to set the date range to the last three months to six months. Also, select all the metrics to see how your pages’ performances for each of them.

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses

To find keyword opportunities, look for queries that have large impressions but are missing on the page. Incorporate those missing phrases to your page content; your rankings should respond and increase, resulting in more traffic.

For best results, add them to your page heading or create a new heading with the search term.

Alternatively, copy the URL of the page you wish to boost its ranking. Then, open the GSC performance metric and click the +New button and pick ‘Page…’ from the drop-down.

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses

Now, enter the page URL, select ‘Exact URL’ from the drop-down, and then click ‘Apply’ to process the data..

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses: Advanced Guide 1

Scroll down and open the Queries tab to see all the keywords the page is targeting.

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses: Advanced Guide 2

Export the data as an Excel document.

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses

Next, head to KW Optimizer, login and upload the exported file on the app.

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses

Look for queries that have zero mentions and add them at least once in your content. Turn those with high impressions and low-ranking positions to headings.

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses

Now do this for all your pages and see your organic traffic skyrocket.

To get more actionable insights from Google Search Console, then integrate it with tools like Frase or Ahrefs. These two tools will help you supercharge your content marketing.

Leverage keyword research tools

Discover more real estate keywords with specialized keyword research tools. 

You can use these tools to uncover untapped search terms or evaluate the effectiveness of your existing ones. We’ve selected three of the most valuable tools for advanced keyword research for you. 

Here you go:

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that provides insights into search volume, competition, and suggested bids for any keyword. You can also use it to find related keywords to rank for.


SEMrush is a paid tool offering keyword overview, keyword magic tool, keyword difficulty, and position tracking. They offer three prices, starting at $199 per month.


Moz is another paid tool with features like keyword explorer, keyword difficulty, and rank tracker, at a more affordable price than SEMrush. It is a much more affordable option, the SEMrush, with a starting price of $99 per month.

You can also use these tools to uncover valuable long-tail keywords—search terms with over two words that cover a specific search intent and have reduced competition compared to one- or two-word keywords. 

Recommended For You: Gain powerful, actionable on-page optimization insights with Surfer SEO to outrank your competitors and dominate the organic competition.

Uncover competitors’ keywords with Marketing Miner

Marketing Miner is our favorite keyword research tool, hence, the special mention.

It helps us spy on competitors’ keywords and access large data to run data-driven marketing campaigns. The tool offers comprehensive features and competitive pricing, making it the best value option. 

By using this tool, you can:

  • Find out which keywords your competitors’ target and how well they perform.
  • Identify gaps and opportunities in your own keyword strategy and content creation.
  • Benchmark your website against your competitors and see how to improve your SEO.
  • And much more.

Marketing Miner is beginner-friendly and easy to use. Follow these steps to uncover competitors’ keywords with this tool.

Log in to your Marketing Miner account, and you’ll immediately land on this page: 

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses

Enter your competitor’s domain or URL in the input field, select their country, click the Analyze button, and let the tool do its work in a few seconds.

Wait for the report to be generated. It will look something like the image below and contain valuable insights on the website’s search visibility, keywords, top pages, etc.

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses

You can use this data to determine which keywords drive the most traffic to your competitor’s website, which keywords they are bidding on in Google Ads, which SERP features they are appearing in (such as featured snippets, local packs, or images), and more. 

With all these insights, replicating your competitor’s winning strategies on your site is easy.

Put Quora to good use

About 8% of search queries today are in question format.

And this makes Quora an excellent source for low-competition keywords. Over 300 million new users visit the platform monthly to ask questions or find answers. And these are real-questions, needing answers. 

So use Quora to find elusive niches and long-tail real estate keywords.

Then, create helpful content, answering these questions to grow your organic traffic. Also, try to answer these questions on Quora as much as you can and encourage them to visit your link to learn more.

If your answers are valuable; then people will click the link.

Now follow these steps to use quora for your real estate keyword research:

Go to Quora.com and sign up for an account if you don’t have one already.

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses

Use the search bar to enter a seed keyword related to your niche or location, such as “real estate”, “homes for sale”, or “buy house.” You can use the auto-suggested search terms.

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses

You will see a list of questions that contain your keyword. Filter the results by topic, time, or type popularity to streamline your searches.

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses

Browse through the questions and look for ones that are relevant, popular, and have high-quality answers.

These are potential keywords that you can target with your content. You can also click on the topics on the right sidebar to explore more questions related to your niche or location.

Keyword Research For Real Estate Businesses

You can use these questions to inspire your content titles, headings, subheadings, or bullet points. The key is to create as much of this content as possible to gain topical authority and scale up your organic traffic.

Cluster your keywords with Keyword Insights

Keyword clustering is a technique that groups similar keywords based on their semantic relevance or common modifiers. In simpler terms, a keyword cluster is a set of keywords that share the same semantic meaning and can be targeted simultaneously on one webpage.   

Adding keyword clusters to your content lets you optimize the page for multiple keywords. 

Alo, the technique helps you organize your real estate keyword list into meaningful categories and subcategories, allowing you to create a better website structure and content strategy.

Of course, the result is a higher SERP ranking and more traffic to your site.

We recommend Keyword Insights for keyword clustering. 

The tool automatically clusters your keywords based on their semantic similarity and provides valuable insights on search volume, difficulty, trends, SERP features, and more.

Learn more what this tool can do for you with this video.

Pay attention to search intent

Don’t just dump keywords into your content.

Always find their search search intent before. Search intent refers to the goal or purpose behind a user’s search query. Search intent can be classified into four main types:

  • Informational: The user wants to find answers to pressing questions, for example, “How to buy a house” or “What is real estate”.
  • Navigational: The user wants to go from one place to the next or search for things to buy in a location.
  • Transactional: The user is trying to buy something using queries or taking an action. They may use queries like “buy a house in los angeles” or “contact real estate agent”.
  • Commercial: The user wants to compare different products or services, their prices, and perks before making a purchase decision. For example, “best real estate websites” or “real estate agent reviews”.

Research informational keywords and use them to target top-of-the-funnel prospects.

These are potential customers who are not ready to buy yet, but considering their options. Providing value can get you on their good book, making it more straightforward to convert them later.

Also, you can offer this customer segment freebies like a PDF guide or downloadable home buying checklist in exchange for their email addresses. Access to free online tools like a mortgage calculator, property value calculator or property tax app will also work great.

Keyword Insights has one of the best search intent tools in the market today.

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Advanced Real Estate Keyword Research: Now What Next?

It’s simple.

Get to work and start optimizing your website with those keywords.  

Create valuable content that addresses your prospect’s pain points.

Avoid overstuffing your page with the keywords. Google frowns at this practice, and sometimes comes with penalties. Use AI-powered content optimization tools like Surfer SEO to gain instant feedback to outrank your competitors.

Here is an in-depth review of how we use this tool to rank on Google. 

Hand-Picked For You:


How do I measure the success of my keyword research?

The success of your keyword research depends on how well you optimize your website and content. Some metrics to measure your keyword research success are organic traffic, ranking and conversions.

What are the 3 main factors that go into choosing a keyword?

When choosing keywords, there are three major elements to consider: 

  1. Search volume 
  2. Keyword relevance to your target audience
  3. Competition level. 

By combining these aspects equally as part of your selection process, you’ll be able to identify high-value keywords your target audience uses and for which you can easily rank. 


  • Emmanuel Adefuye

    Meet Emmanuel, a creative genius specializing in creating SEO blog posts. In the last three years, he's made it his business to use best practices combined with razor-sharp editing skills to produce top-caliber SEO content for blogs and businesses. When it comes to creating digital narratives that matter, he knows just how to work his magic by blending strategic thinking with imaginative naunces in every work produced. Beyond his love for producing captivating reads, he has a great love for furry pets and mouth-watering cuisines. You'll find him meandering through different literary worlds in his free time. But be careful, he'll talk you in to what's tingles his current fancy.

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