Here’s how 46+ in-the-trench Marketers, Business owners & Experts Use LinkedIn to Generate Business Leads Consistently.
If you have ever wondered what it would feel like to acquire qualified, ready-to-buy leads on LinkedIn, this article is for you.
While it is a long read, it is packed full with actionable, easy-to-use strategies and tips you can use immediately to generate leads on LinkedIn.
Ask any marketer, business owner, or entrepreneur about their biggest worry going forward after the lockdown.
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The likely answer you will receive is:
“How to keep their business going until things return to normal.”
The thing is, to ‘keep their business going,’ they need Sales. Revenue. Healthy Cash flow.
And sales are tied to generating quality leads.
The more quality leads a business generates. The higher the chances of making a sale.
In this piece, we seek to answer the question: how can small businesses generate quality leads using LinkedIn?
To answer the question, we turned to 46+ experts to learn their strategies for using LinkedIn to generate quality leads. This blog post covers what they had to say.
Interestingly, the majority of the respondents believed nurturing relationships, getting prospects to trust you (or your brand), and genuinely showing you care are crucial elements to making the sale.
The insights shared in this blog post can be adapted to B2B and B2C settings.
To make the blog post easy to navigate, we have grouped the ideas into themes. They are:
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Humanize Your Interactions
Even before the pandemic, one effective way to make your LinkedIn connections like and trust you is to be authentic. The crisis, however, has heightened this need.
Many of our experts agreed that Covid has made them become more human and empathetic in their interactions on LinkedIn.
Nick Minicucci of Immensity Music said, “My number one tips is ‘empathy’. The music industry is facing a lot of challenges, not to mention [what the] world is facing right now. You don’t know what your prospects are going through. Be humble and empathetic in your messaging and you will stand out.”
Burton Kelso of Call Integral Now agrees, “My number one go-to trick when using LinkedIn is to always be human and to humanize my interactions with my connections.”
Burton further shares, “Creating posts that reach to people during this COVID-19 pandemic and taking the time to wish people happy birthday goes a long way as far as developing relationships on the social media platform.
Too often, people are worried about trying to push their products or services on people. The trick is to continue getting people to know, like, and trust you when interacting on LinkedIn.”
Timo Wilson of ASAP Credit believes one way to humanize interactions on LinkedIn is by shifting focus from sales to being a helpful brand.
“Nowadays, it is not a battle of who’s selling more product but a battle of survival wherein every one of us is a participant. The main goal of this battle is to survive, live, and have hope for the future ahead.”
“So instead of focusing on sales, why not focus on being a helpful brand that aims to help other people. By doing this, you are having an edge over other companies that focus only on sales.”
David Walter of Electrician Mentor agrees it is time to forget about focusing on generating sales.
“When it comes to generating leads, using LinkedIn is a great opportunity. And in normal circumstances focusing on sales generation would be a great idea. But guess what? We have a pandemic to deal with. Therefore, the sales-driven strategy literally goes out of the window.”
David further shares, “What you need to do is to shift your efforts to market your business towards the features and benefits it offers. And, then finding ways to save money for your consumers. Your blog posts should never be overly-salesy in these trying times. Trust me, once things settle down, they’ll appreciate that and hopefully regard you with a bit of loyalty.”
It’s also about matching the prevailing tone on the platform, adds April Sciacchitano of Mix + shine Marketing
“Quarantine changed everything about the tone on LinkedIn. People were more honest than ever about the work from home struggle, parenting while working, and how they cope with uncertainty.”
Sciacchitano continues, “Stop giving advice on LinkedIn and start getting real. There are a lot of people showcasing expertise on LinkedIn, but very few nurturing trust.”
Worried ‘getting real’ could affect your expert voice? Sciacchitano has some advice for you: “Ask for help with something. Be open about a struggle, and celebrate with your LinkedIn following.”
Sometimes, all you need is to be your authentic self in today’s world of social distancing and spam connections.
Creighton Wong of Exponential Clients believes “people are craving authentic personal interactions more than ever. LinkedIn members are smarter and they can see your Buy My Sh*t messages from a mile away…and they won’t buy. They will run!”
Instead, “Take the time to actually read someone’s profile and find one commonality that you can compliment them on. Start a conversation. Add some value first. Don’t sell. If appropriate take the conversation offline.”
“With all the crazy technology of today, selling is still an H2H (Human-to-human) relationship.”
Make LinkedIn Algorithm Work for You
It’s tempting to want to automate posting on LinkedIn and just hands off. The platform, thankfully, does not work that way.
If you want to improve your content reach organically, you will have to stay active on the site.
No wonder some of our experts believe staying active on LinkedIn and organically engaging with others are sure ways to boost your brand’s visibility.
Rick Denton of Execution For Customer Experience had this to say, “Engage with LinkedIn. Don’t just lurk…Engage. This means 4-5 actual comments (greater than 8 words) per day. Regular posting of your own content. Doing so elevates your status in the LinkedIn algorithm, improving your visibility for potential clients to see you.”
Marcus Anwar of suggests, “Spending a little bit of time every working day. Believe it or not about 15 minutes a day is all you need. The biggest mistake individuals make is spending long hours for a few days straight then they stop. But remember if you want to generate good leads consistency is key to your success.”
Petra Odak of Better Proposals shares his company’s process on LinkedIn. “We’re more active than ever – commenting, helping, creating content, advising current and potential customers and just being out there and present.”
Jane Kovalkova of Chanty agrees leaving relevant comments and liking other people’s posts is the first step before adding them as a connection.
“Start off with comments and likes first before adding someone as a connection and directly trying to sell them something. Of course, this approach does not allow the use of automation or bots, so I strongly recommend going the manual way.”
Kovalkova continues “Find people you want to sell to. Interact with their content, add them as a connection and slowly work your way to a sales pitch. If you just go straight for the sale, you’ll lose their interest before they even finishing reading the first sentence.”
Optimize Your LinkedIn Headline
Your LinkedIn profile and Headline are often the two things people check to learn more about you.
Including keywords that are relevant to your niche, products, and services in your headline is a great way to help others learn about what you do and what you are about.
It is also an excellent way to improve your visibility on the platform, as LinkedIn uses the copy on headlines to show relevant results to users.
Nikola Roza of Nikola Roza said, “My #1 tip for using LinkedIn as a lead generation tool is to treat it as a search engine and then act accordingly.”
Nikola further explains: “Hyper-optimize your profile for keywords that you want to be found for and then let LinkedIn and [even] Google (make your profile public so that it shows up on Google’s SERPs) and time work in your favor.”
A simple hack to include several relevant keywords without appearing spammy is “to beef up your Skills and Endorsements sections of the profile. Remember those are all keyphrases people type in LinkedIn’s internal search engine. Optimize your profile and you will get found more often.”
Jayson DeMers of Email Analytics shares, “[optimized LinkedIn headline] is essentially a free mini-advertisement that shows up in people’s feeds when you post a comment or create a LinkedIn post.”
“Think of it as your 5-word elevator pitch. Once you’ve optimized your headline, simply interact and engage with people on LinkedIn. That activity will show up in other people’s newsfeeds, alongside your 5-word elevator pitch, gaining you free exposure and marketing through LinkedIn.”
Use Sales Navigator to Find Ideal Leads
LinkedIn has many useful features, but none is as powerful as the Sales Navigator when it comes to drilling down on prospects based on job titles and the size of the company.
Sales Navigator can help you find your ideal leads when you are looking to contact prospects directly.
Shaheer Khan of Statehood Marketing believes one way to contact the people you want to connect with on LinkedIn, even when you don’t have any connections with them yet, is through the Sales Navigator.
“If you want to land high ticket clients, you have to reach out to them, not the other way around. One of the ways of doing this is using LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator.”
“Sales nav[igator] allows you to reach out to people without having a connection. It also enables you to create lists of people who have your ideal lead criteria. For us, Sales navigator is the number one tool when it comes to high ticket lead generation.”
Paul Sullivan of BiasDigital shares his company’s workflow, enabling them to generate over 300 leads in the first 10 weeks of COVID using the Sales Navigator.
“Be upfront about why you want to connect and work out your sequence to build rapport and drive the conversation where you would like it to go.
Paul was generous in sharing the workflow with us. Use the link below to download Paul’s workflow for LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
Direct Messaging Brands
Straight-to-the-point, direct messaging can also work, especially if you are in the B2B space.
Some of our experts use this strategy and agree direct messaging can help you see significant results in the number of leads you bring in on LinkedIn.
Dancho Dimkov of BizzBee Solutions uses direct messaging on LinkedIn. “As a B2B marketing agency, we are using LinkedIn Cold outreach for several years. During the coronavirus crisis, we experienced an increase in demand as companies lost all the physical ways of generating leads – networking events, physical meetings, exhibitions – and had to switch to a digital approach fast.”
Joe Karasin of Karasin PPC agrees that direct messaging on LinkedIn works. “When quarantines started, offering direct, one-to-one coaching for Google Ads was a very powerful tool that enabled me to generate business leads.”
Karasin further shared the results of his efforts so far: “Within three months, I was able to obtain 17 new clients out of a total of 31 one-on-one sessions. A conversion rate of 54%. I used a customized message that didn’t come across as spammy and only used direct messages to offer the session.”
Laurie Green of EL ROAD said they also use direct messaging on LinkedIn.
“I have been using LinkedIn by direct messaging brands in my field. I have picked up a few new brands to participate in our new virtual demo program since we are unable to do in-store food & beverage demos at the moment.”
Key Takeaway: Don’t be afraid to send direct messages to brands you’d like to work with in your niche.
The trick, however, is to appear non-spammy. Tell them why you’d like to work with them. Be helpful and keep an eye on building relationships.
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Share Compelling Content
LinkedIn has evolved into one of the leading publishing platforms where brands showcase their expertise and thought leadership by sharing timely, helpful, and relevant content.
An overwhelming majority of our experts agree posting consistently on LinkedIn is a surefire way to attract the attention of your ideal clients.
Christopher Prasad of JookSMS uses content publishing to generate leads on LinkedIn.
“Writing something that is both engaging and compelling to your circle in the industry is just the right way to get more people to notice you and more clients walking through the door. Being active on any social media will help you grow, and this goes for LinkedIn too.”
Prasad further shared why people hesitate to post more on LinkedIn.
“I think a lot of people are afraid to post on there because it looks unprofessional if it isn’t something directly related to their business. But you have to remember, some people use LinkedIn to learn more about the industry, and you can be one of the people they are listening to.”
It is not just enough to share content on LinkedIn, though. Martin Seeley of Mattress Next Day believes content that generates leads on LinkedIn is tactical and actionable.
“Be very explicit on who you create this content for. Make sure it gets in front of the right people. If you do not know who your prospect is, you will waste time and opportunity as your content will get lost in the irrelevant feed.”
Related: 7 Proven Ways to Understand Your Target Audience
Seeley shared examples of actionable content and how to create them:
“Guides, tips and tricks, tutorials, webinars, Trend reports, statistics, insights, case studies, and success stories from your past customers are examples of actionable content to share.
Focus on creating long-form (2000 – 3000 words) content as it performs better on the platform and generates more shares than shorter content.
Search LinkedIn topics and hashtags to see what’s trending in your industry and which content resonates with your target audience. You can also use BuzzSumo to get content ideas.
Pick a topic, take the content, improve it, and implement it into your strategy.”
This resonates with Werner Jorgensen of Heat Xperts, who agrees that identifying content gaps in your niche and serving first are necessary elements to becoming an authority.
“Covid has hit many niches badly. In the post-covid time victims would be striving to come out of that loss. It is and would be a time to serve them instead of bragging about your skills. Identify your audience new pain points and the gap in existing content, and address their needs effectively.”
Once you can consistently meet your audience’s needs, Jorgensen believes “You would be serving them a new thing and emerge as an authoritative figure for them so your content would get more engagement. Once your posts start performing well, you will be getting a good number of qualitative leads soon.”
Sharing your story and how your company is helping others is a powerful strategy to attract the attention of key people, says Neal Taparia of Solitaired.
“I have over 500 [LinkedIn] connections, and naturally, it’s hard to stay in touch with everyone. LinkedIn is an excellent platform to reach people you know at scale and give them information on what your company is doing, to spark ideas on how you might help them.
Oftentimes, with updates, it’s about reaching the right people at the right time, so you can increase the chances of doing this by providing regular updates.”
Taparia shared how this strategy has helped him land important partnerships for his company:
“For example, with my new gaming initiative, we partnered with a popular newsletter called The Morning Brew to create a custom solitaire game and drive awareness of their podcast guests. I shared the collaboration on my LinkedIn.
I also asked if we can help anyone else out through games and marketing. Six people reached out to me as a result and now we’re working on collaboration for them. When they’re live, I’ll repeat the process which will hopefully drive more leads.”
Alita Harvey-Rodriquez of MI Academy believes sharing hyper-targeted content is important for success on LinkedIn.
“When marketing to B2B employees through LinkedIn you need to be hyper-targeted. You are not merely looking at the industry or size of business, you want to refine your target down to ‘Job Title’.
Why? Well, within any business there is a small selection of roles that have buying influence. They’re often not your Developers or Marketing Assistants, nor are they always CEOs or upper management.”
Alita further explained how to identify who you should be targeting you’re your content.
“Rather than casting your net far and wide, you need to know who is at the helm at the ship and ultimately who will be making the final purchasing decision.
They are your mid-tier roles who are leading teams and looking for new innovative ways to increase profit margins, transform the team, and elevate their status within the business.
Consider their pain points and personalize the content for them. What matters to their team?
How can you help them feel more confident and competent in their role?
What will make their boss happy? It’s all about understanding the mindset of those who are driving the buying conversation.”
To see results with your content strategy on LinkedIn, Kristina Azarenko of Marketing Syrup advises posting consistently on the platform.
“Make sure that you’re consistent with your posting. The cycle between learning that you exist and reaching out to work with you can be quite long. Just don’t give up as people are watching even if you think they’re not.”
Laura Tien of Workit Spaces shares their organic strategy to increase content reach.
“One trick we tend to implement is sharing company posts on our personal accounts. When someone likes your post, it shows up to all their connections as well. We can easily get a post to get thousands of impressions compared to a few hundred when we post only on the company account.”
The payoff of effective content marketing on LinkedIn is huge. As Caroline Leach of The Carrelle Company, recently found out:
“This strategy [sharing content consistently on LinkedIn] helps develop strong relationships and attract people to you through inbound marketing. When people come to you, they’re already interested in purchasing your services.”
Seek New Opportunities to Expand Your Network
LinkedIn has powerful lead generation features that are only accessible to premium users. However, being mindful of your connections and using every opportunity to expand on these networks can help you generate qualified leads using your free LinkedIn account.
Our experts agree constantly expanding your connections on LinkedIn can help you discover people who might need what you offer.
Samantha Moss of Romantific shares: “Observe and connect with the connections of your existing connections. This is because they probably have shared interests, so they are more likely to be interested in the same things.”
Moss went on: “Join groups. This is an easier way to discover people who have the same interests as you and your existing clients. By joining a group, you expose yourself to like-minded people who have a high chance of becoming your clients.”
David Tile of Article Writing Co agrees: “One trick I find helpful is making sure to identify the right decision makers to connect with. It only takes a little bit of research to identify the relevant contacts.”
Tile explains how to find the right people: “You can go to the People Tab of your target business’s LinkedIn page and scroll down to find people’s job titles. You can also see if you have mutual connections with anyone at the company and reach out to them first, as it’s always better to start with someone you know.”
Sending connection requests to LinkedIn’s suggested contacts is a trick Kent Lewis of Anvil Media Inc. relies on to expand his network.
“For the past 10 years, I’ve visited the My Network section on LinkedIn (browser and app) and made connection requests to LinkedIn’s suggested contacts that I feel are relevant to my business and career.
Specifically, I’m most interested in connecting with CMO and VP Marketing positions at companies. The result is that I have over 19,000 connections on LinkedIn, which translates to qualified prospects based on employer and job titles I have 1st degree connections and can communicate via messaging without a premium account.
Once or twice a year, I reach out to key contacts to check in and it usually results in a few qualified leads and new clients.”

Ask Connections for Referrals
Sometimes, all you need to do to generate your company leads is ask for referrals. Straight-up asking for referrals from your connections is one way to get qualified leads post-covid.
Cyrus Vanover of Frugal Budgeter believes people are more open to responding when you request a referral than when you ask for a sale.
“After you’ve made a connection, send a thanks for connecting message to that person and ask them if they could refer you to anyone who is looking for help with what you do. You would be surprised how well this works.
Most people don’t like to be asked for work directly, but asking for a referral is different. People really do like to be helpful, and many people on LinkedIn will refer you to people in their networks who need your services. It happens all the time.”
Personalize Every Request to Connect
People want to feel you took the time to know them before sending them a request to connect. Or, at the very least, send them a message along with the connection request why you want to connect.
Some of our experts believe a personalized connection request often sets the tone for the relationship moving forward.
Jason Davis of Inspire360 shares: “I have a lot of success using LinkedIn as a lead generation platform. While many people use InMail, I choose a different route. I spend time finding executives who are the perfect fit to work with my company and send them a personalized LinkedIn connection request.”
Davis adds, “Once they accept me, I send them an authentic message that spells out exactly how I think we can work together and why I think they are a good fit. The key is to get very specific about details involving their business and why it makes sense.”
Roberto Torres of Turrem agrees, ”Add a personalized note to your request to connect. Your note should include something you noticed or read on their profile and be authentic. Don’t sell!”
Torres shares the note template they often use: “Here is an example that I use.

Remember, it’s an invitation to see their posts in your feed, not a request to sell them something. You are genuinely a fan of theirs because you saw their profile and now want to read more.
Ariel Lim of advises to keep your connection request simple. “As for your connection request, keep it simple. I experimented a bunch and the one that says “looking forward to connecting with you” and a “PS: if you have questions, let me know” at the bottom works as I get more conversations.”
Maryna Shkvorets of Marynashkvorets says adding a disarming question along with the connection request can help open doors for you.
“I heavily rely on LinkedIn for my communication consulting career. Whenever I send out a cold connection request, I give a little blurb about why I’m connecting and always end with, ‘Are you open to connect?’”
Shkvorets adds, “This little question, a call to action, leads the person on the other side to answer ‘Yes, I am’ rather than over-evaluate who you are or why you’re reaching out.”
Super-charge Your LinkedIn Campaigns with Complementary Add-ons
LinkedIn, in itself, has many features you can use to generate quality leads. However, when it comes to taking your campaigns to the next level, you may need complementary tools to help you.
Matt Scott of Termite Survey believes incorporating complementary plugins can make your LinkedIn campaigns more efficient and effective.
“Using plug-ins can help you grow your network thus generating more leads. Here’s four worth checking out:
Rapportive creates your network by delivering customized LinkedIn invites straight from your inbox.
LinkedIn Link Revealer shows you just how huge all of your first-tier links are in a network. Through there, connect with people moving in broad circles, and attempt to leverage their forum to support the products and services.
Headlinr will generate hundreds of common combos of headlines, including keywords you select automatically.
LinMailPro helps you to quickly identify and invite someone who has recently visited your profile — making execution of tip number one a lot simpler”
Use sponsored Updates to Increase Content Reach
Like most people, you want as many people as possible to see your LinkedIn content.
Sponsored Updates are an efficient way to get many eyeballs on your content, especially when you are new on the platform with fewer connections.
Carolyn Cairns of Creation Business Consultants shares: “Sponsored updates allow the user to enter the newsfeed of people who are going to find the content useful and valuable. Use visually appealing images to grab attention and make sure your headline answers the ‘what’s in it for me?’ question for the reader. Also, where possible, use famous friends on social media (like the CEO or a well-known brand advocate) as that can drive up engagement and click-through rates.”
Martin Seeley of Mattress Next Day agrees: “You can increase the reach [of your content] by using Sponsored Updates, if you know your target audience and your content is relevant to them.”
Seeley, however, cautions, “This feature is costly if your targeting is not accurate. You will get the best return on the investment if it resonates with the people who see it.”
Offer Freebies Where It Makes Sense
Offering freebies, whether it is a free ticket to a virtual show or ebook, is a proven strategy to get leads regardless of the platform, even on LinkedIn.
Our experts agree giving away free things can help you get in the doorway of your prospective clients.
Carley Johnson of Unzipped, shares: “Firstly, never engaged with a new connection without a personalized message. Build your relationship around helping them, giving away free advice and getting to know more about them, their knowledge and needs.
Always send a minimum of 7 messages before your first sales pitch. Following these 3 combined tips should lead to a stronger hit rate.”
Even for a magician, Nolan Webster of offering free tickets to their virtual shows is proving to be an effective strategy to attract leads for their business.
“One strategy I use on LinkedIn is to offer free tickets to my LinkedIn connections. This allows me to showcase my show to those that could potentially hire me for their online meeting, happy hour, or post-covid gathering.
Webster further added that, “LinkedIn allows me to focus on those that can help promote my show and me, e.g. producers, event planners, directors, HR people, event coordinators, theater owners, etc.”
Use Often Ignored LinkedIn Features
While most people think LinkedIn is only a platform for creating professional profiles – the site offers much more than that, especially if you’re interested in generating quality leads.
There are often ignored built-in features one can take advantage of to acquire as many leads as they need for their business.
Matt Yako of Inner Circle Career Coaching LLC shares two of his go-to LinkedIn features he uses to generate leads for his coaching business.
“LinkedIn Profinders and Open for Business are two of LinkedIn’s features I use most for lead generation.”
Yako adds, “Profinder is built for freelancers to offer their services to Linkedin
users. Users can solicit bids on projects related to career coaching,
photography, graphic design, and even copywriting.
Freelancers and small businesses can become what the platform calls Profinder Pros. To become a Pro, a small business owner must apply and meet specific criteria related to their main Linkedin profile.
Now, this tool is built entirely to be a lead generator. Because of how useful it is, Pros do have to pay to use it by maintaining a LinkedIn Premium Business account. The current cost of this type of account is $59.99/mo. With the amount of leads it generates and the potential for customers it can really be worth the investment.”
Yako further explained what Open for Business is and how it works: “Open for Business is a new feature that not many people know about and that the LinkedIn team is still optimizing.
The overarching idea of Open for Business is to create business profiles and showcase business’ services for potential clients to find them. Think Yelp or Google My Business, but for LinkedIn.”
Yako adds, “The feature is currently free to businesses on LinkedIn and therefore should be part of every small business LinkedIn profile.”
Jacob J. Sapochnick of Law Offices of Jacob J. Sapochnick says, they often use the “People You May Know” LinkedIn feature to connect with wide users on the platform.
“For me this feature is my most favorite in finding and generating leads. I can reach more people and I can research and investigate these people by using the platform.”
Blake Taylor of Synergy Business Brokers believes taking the initiative to first write recommendations for key contacts is a strategic way of using the LinkedIn Recommendation feature to build goodwill for your brand.
“People often wait for someone to write them a LinkedIn recommendation before they will write one for the other person. Rarely do people use LinkedIn Recommendations as the strategic tools they are.
Rather than waiting for a contact to send you a recommendation, take a few minutes each day to write and post recommendations for valued customers or key business partners.
Once approved the recommendation will show up in their profile. This fosters good will among your most important contacts and acts as an advertisement for your business. It will also lead to a return recommendation, a referral or both.”
Several experts including Konstantinos Tsilkos of PharMed uses the LinkedIn Search feature to drill down on their audience.
“The search feature on LinkedIn can make the job easier by allowing marketers to choose their audience in minute detail. LinkedIn users tend to go into great depth about how they are, what they’re doing, where they’re doing, and why they’re doing it. It’s a place where people are encouraged to brag about their professional accomplishments and aspirations. This makes it very easy to pick the target audience with laser-like precision.”
Use LinkedIn Ads
LinkedIn has several great features that enable you to acquire leads organically – without spending. However, if you run hyper-targeted, super-charged lead gen campaigns on LinkedIn, ads are a natural mix to your toolkit.
Peter Gardus of Latana, is one expert that relies on LinkedIn to generate B2B leads for their company.
“It is important for us that our CRM is not flooded with freemail email addresses such as Gmail or Hotmail. For this reason, we prefer bringing our prospects from LinkedIn to our landing pages to download our content pieces versus using lead gen ads. We use a third-party tool on our site that ensures that our forms only accept business email addresses.”
Gardus goes on, “Regarding the ad format, we recommend testing single image ads and InMail ads to promote your gated content pieces. These have worked well for us to drive downloads.
The quickest way to generate downloads for us was by using promoted content with a single image ad showcasing our latest reports.
InMail ads need more time, as some people only open these message ads 2-3 weeks after they have landed in their mailbox.
Once your overall website traffic becomes more solid, we recommend using InMail ads and the new Conversational ads for retargeting campaigns. These formats work well in converting visitors who left your landing page without completing the download.
After generating your new leads via these downloads, you can work on nurturing them to become customers using email marketing automation. We also rely on LinkedIn for our bottom-funnel-retargeting. Carousel and video ads focused on your product’s value proposition can work well to convert leads into customers over time.”
Dennis Vu of Ringblaze agrees creating highly targeted LinkedIn ads is an effective way to upsell existing customers.
“There is a large volume of data proving that it’s much easier to sell to an existing customer than find a new one. So, instead of offering your products to a cold audience, offer your existing customers something they can’t ignore.
Combine LinkedIn with email marketing, and you’ll have great results with this strategy.”
John Howard of Coupon Lawn uses LinkedIn ads because that is where the professionals go.
“I chose LinkedIn instead of other high traffic social media platforms because LinkedIn is where the professionals go and when it comes to business, those that are in those levels have the purchasing power.”
LinkedIn Leads Generation: What Next?
LinkedIn is no doubt an increasingly important platform for B2B lead generation.
As most of our experts shared, posting valuable content consistently on LinkedIn is the most effective way to build brand visibility, become an authority in your industry and ultimately acquire qualified leads.
Don’t have the time to create quality content for your business? Talk to us today let’s see how we can work together.
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