Home Reviews Sendible Review 2023: How It Helps Us Grow Our Audience

Sendible Review 2023: How It Helps Us Grow Our Audience

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Discover the latest Sendible review for 2023 and find out why it’s still one of the best social media management tools for businesses. Learn about its features, pricing, and customer support to make an informed decision for your social media strategy.

More than 4.80 billion people use social media. So, with social media, you could reach more than 50% of the world’s population.

However, the internet houses hundreds of these platforms. You can’t use all of them. Even the most popular ones are still too many to manage on your own.

We had this problem with our marketing strategy until Sendible came to the rescue. The tool helped us manage and grow our audience across six social media platforms. After trying out this product, then, we can confirm it’s dependable.

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So, if you’re experiencing the same management problem as we did, you should consider Sendible. This review will cover all the details of our experience with the tool. 

Why You Need to Pay Attention to Sendible

In our marketing campaign, we employ six social media platforms, including:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • TikTok

As you’d expect, attending to every follower on each platform was challenging. Consequently, some leads were ignored, leading to a downswing in our audience interactions. We realized we needed an automation tool to follow all leads. And after checking available options, we settled for Sendible.

With Sendible, we capitalized on every lead and grew our audience thanks to real-time engagement. The tool connected all our accounts on different platforms into one intuitive dashboard. From there, we would schedule posts and automate responses to comments, DMs, and mentions on the go.

Sendible also provided in-depth reports and trends. We use the metrics to understand our social media interactions and to recognize strongholds and weak points. Then, with the insights, we adjust our activities accordingly to grow our audience further. 

What is Sendible?

sendible review

Sendible is a social management solution that fosters audience engagement for growth and attracting new leads. In particular, here’s what the tool will help you do:

  • Schedule bulk social media content
  • Source content to publish
  • Collaborate with influencers
  • Manage multiple clients
  • Get reports on social media performance 
  • Engage social media followers 

Sendible isn’t the only social management platform online. However, we went with the tool due to its reputation. More than 30,000 customers use it, and the platform scores high on reputable review sites.

G2 rates Sendible as a top usability solution for small businesses and a high performer for enterprises. Also, the tool ranks top 20 on ProductHunt with a 4.5/5 rating. 

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Sendible Key Features

Sendible includes a plethora of features. Based on our observations, below are the key ones to help grow an audience. 

Social Media Connections 

With Sendible, you can connect and manage multiple social media platforms simultaneously. Supported platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, and YouTube. 

To access this feature, click “Add Profiles” from your Sendible dashboard. You’ll get this:

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Next, click the Add button for the platform you want to connect to. You’ll most likely link multiple accounts, and you have to do that one after the other.

When you click the add button, Sendible will redirect you to the platform’s website to sign in and authorize the connection. Here’s an example if you’re linking to Twitter:

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Using a device with your account already logged in will be easier. After authorization, you’re done. You can start creating and scheduling posts and comments on social platforms.

Based on first-hand experience, it’s evident that this feature is easy to use. However, it’ll be better if the tool supported other top social media networks like Pinterest and Reddit. 

Content Ideas

According to Jay Baer, president of Convince & Convert, “Content is fire. Social media is gasoline.” Therefore, to boost our audience, we put out highly engaging posts, and Sendible helped with workable ideas.

You can access this feature from the “Suggestions” options in the menu.

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When the page loads, you instantly get threads of trending content topics. Sendible curates the topics automatically based on your business niche. Nevertheless, you can still enter keywords and filter entries to find the perfect content idea. 

Drawing from our experience, we noticed the content suggestion tool went offline. Here’s what we kept getting:

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According to the Sendible team, the above was due to a discontinuation in support of the third-party provider. The developers are auditing other solutions, so the content suggestion tool should be back online soon.


Being able to schedule social media content, comments, and others to publish at any time is one of Sendible’s main strengths. It played a massive role in our audience growth, as we can input bulk content to drip over time.

You can schedule posts by clicking a date on the dashboard calendar or the compose button. The message pop-up box displays with settings at the bottom:

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Accordingly, you first have to select the social media account you want to post with. Then, enter your content and set the date and time. Here’s a closer view of the feature.

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Note that you can schedule posts for any future date — even years. The repeat option is helpful, too, if you intend to publish the same post multiple times. Here’s what you get when you select it:

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So far, we’ve not had problems using the Sendible schedule tool. It’s always on time and accurate.


We maintain an expert marketing team. Each person plays a role in ensuring the success of our social media strategies. Since we use Sendible, it was an advantage that the tool allowed everyone to work together in real time.

The above was possible thanks to the Collaboration feature. With it, an admin can assign tasks to different members, and members can exchange messages.

Notably, only admins can send invites, and you can do that from the settings under “Manage users.” When you launch the section, select “New User,” and you’ll get this:

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Then, fill in the requested details and click “Create User.” Ensure you set the permissions, account, and workflow arrangements before giving the final authorization. The team member will get a notification once you invite them to collaborate.

Audience Engagement

Audience engagement is one of Sendible’s best capabilities. 

When you publish content on social media, people typically like, comment, and share. An ideal use case of this feature is regarding comments.

In particular, comments can be inquiries, questions, or suggestions. By engaging them, you keep the audience returning. And that’s a textbook way of growing your leads.

The Sendible audience engagement feature keeps you posted. Once there’s a comment, mention, or message, you get an instant alert and can respond immediately.  The notification button is at the top of your dashboard, so you miss nothing:

You don’t have to switch to the social media platform to respond. You can drop your reply directly from your Sendible dashboard. Also, you can choose to receive notifications in your email.

However, all Sendible’s audience engagement options require the Internet. Per our expertise, it would have been advantageous if the tool supported offline notifications, like SMS. 

Brand Monitoring

“Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business.” This quote is from Steve Forbes, and we are 100% in agreement.

We leveraged Sendible’s brand monitoring solution to increase our audience rapidly. Brand monitoring allows you to follow your business mentions anywhere on social platforms.

Notably, social media users won’t only discuss your business under your posts and comments. They’ll also do so on other people’s and businesses’ pages.

So, to amplify our audience count, we didn’t just monitor our brand mentions. We also tracked competitors and top industry terms. You can do this by selecting the Monitor option from the dashboard menu:

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Then, select “New Alert” and enter the details of the terms you want to monitor. This is how the entry page looks:

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While the brand monitoring tool is effective, one downside – as evident from the above image — is that it takes time to set up. 


According to one user testimonial on G2, Sendible has a “reporting center and excellent tracking analysis capabilities.” From our first-hand observations, we can testify the same.

The Sendible Reports feature provided a clear picture of the performance of our social media strategy. It was easy to tell what actions brought more leads than others. Subsequently, we invested more in the former.

The “Reports” option sits on the menu, and when you click on it, this page appears:

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Accordingly, you’ll select the social media platform you want to analyze. Or, you can click on the first option — Engagement — to view the performance of all social media platforms at once.

The analytics you get are well-collated for easy comprehension. They feature charts and graphs, and other straightforward visualization:

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Notably, Sendible lets you save reports in the Report Builder, or you can directly print a hard copy. In addition, sharing and exporting to other platforms is possible. 

However, from using Sendible, we found some limitations of this feature. Creator and Starter plan subscribers can generate quick reports but can’t access the Report Builder. This means they can’t save reports for later use.

Third-Party Integrations

Earlier, we mentioned how Sendible connects many social media networks. However, the tool still integrates with other platforms, including:

  • Google Business Profiles
  • YouTube
  • WordPress
  • RSS Feed Importer
  • Canva
  • Pexels
  • Google Analytics
  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive

We employed almost every integration listed above. For example, we host our site on WordPress, and we use Canva to create quality banners for our social media posts. When we don’t create banner graphics, we leverage Pexels to source royalty-free images. 

You’ll typically have many use cases for the supported integrations when you register with Sendible. How you access the integration varies depending on the application.

For instance, you can connect Canva and import graphics while composing content. Simply click on the “Attachment” icon, and select the platform from the available options:

sendible review

White Label Dashboard

Being a white-label tool was one of the key reasons we picked Sendible. When engaging your audience, you want them to see your brand and not Sendible’s, and this feature allows that.

Interestingly, you can amplify your brand presence on your dashboard. This is possible by adding your colors, logo, and other native elements. You can even load the dashboard from your domain.

Here’s a testimonial from a user leveraging this feature: “Some of the best features of using Sendible is its ability to white-label so our clients can then use the software under our own domain. This is something we haven’t found across any other platform and is a feature we very much appreciate.”

You’ll appreciate it, too, especially if you’re an agency managing clients.

Mobile App

Although we handle most of our business via desktop, it’s impossible to overlook the Sendible mobile application. You can download the app for iOS and Android, and it lets you engage your audience on the go.

The mobile app houses Sendible’s main features, including drafting, scheduling, content suggesting, and collaborating. Also, it works for all social networks Sendible supports.

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However, from our observations, there’s a limitation. The iOS version doesn’t support engagement and reporting but only publishing. So, if you want to use the Sendible mobile app, we recommend getting an Android smartphone.

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Sendible Ease of Use

Here’s an overview of the Sendible dashboard:

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It lacks any form of complexity. By clicking on a date on the calendar, you can quickly schedule a post. Also, other functions are within reach of the menus – at the right and the top.

If there’s a notification, click the icon and attend to it. As already stated, you don’t need to switch to the social media website. Sendible allows you to respond to mentions and comments from your dashboard.

The above was our experience using this social management tool; yours won’t be different.  We can conclude, then, that the platform scores high in terms of ease of use.

Sendible Product Roadmap

The Sendible product roadmap informs us about what to expect from the tool in the future. Currently, the developers are working on improving the compose tool. We believe that soon enough, planning and publishing using Sendible will be much more seamless.

Another improvement to anticipate is in the collaboration and profile management areas. In the future, the tool will include a media library for team members to upload and store assets. We are excited about this feature, as it’ll go a long way in improving our activities.

For profile management, the plan is to make the Facebook interface simpler. Indeed, from our observations using this tool, Facebook account management will be more seamless if it includes fewer steps.

Customer Support

From your Sendible dashboard, you’ll see a button with a question mark at the bottom left:

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Clicking on it gives the following options:

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Hence, you either contact customer service or leverage the product tours and demos to understand how the tool works. A Helpdesk with how-to guides and troubleshooting articles is also available.

If you want to contact customer service, your options are live chat and a support ticket. Based on our observations, the live chat offers the fastest response.

Our experience may differ from others, so let’s factor in third-party reviews of customer service. On G2, Sendible scores 4.5/5 from over 800 ratings:

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Meanwhile, on TrustRadius, the score is 8.7/10:

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Here’s what one user on G2 had to say about Sendible’s support: 

“I love their customer service. They send you videos to help you with issues, customized, so you see step by step what you have to do. If for any reason that doesn’t work they will screen share with you. It’s saved me several times.”

Sendible Cost

You can start using Sendible with the free trial. However, you must eventually pay for a premium plan to grow your audience as we did. Below are the available pricing plans:

sendible pricing plan
  • Creator Plan: $29 per month
  • Traction Plan: $89 per month
  • Scale Plan: $199 per month

We use the Traction plan, which supports 24 social profiles. The Creator plan supports just 6, while the Scale plan supports 49.

Sendible Vs. Hootsuite vs. Agorapulse vs. Zoho Social 

How does Sendible compare with its top competitors? Find out as we compare it against popular platforms like Hootsuite, Agorapulse, and ZohoSocial.

Sendible Vs. Hootsuite

Sendible Vs. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is popular as a beginner-friendly social management solution. However, it has fewer tools than Sendible. And despite having fewer tools, Hootsuite is more expensive, with pricing starting at $99 per month.

The above is evident from the G2 ratings of both tools. Sendible has a 4.5/5 rating from 800+ reviews. Meanwhile, Hootsuite rates. 4.1/5 from over 3,000 reviews. 

Sendible Vs. Agorapulse

Sendible Vs. Agorapulse

Agorapulse is a feature-rich tool and, as such, a serious competition to Sendible. The tool includes publishing, reporting, monitoring, and team collaboration features. In addition, it has 4.5/5 stars on G2, which equals Sendible’s ratings.

Why don’t we use Agorapulse instead of Sendible? Well, Agorapulse demands more dollars, even if its features are more or less equivalent to Sendible. You’ll spend $69 per month with Agorapulse’s lowest plan.

Sendible Vs. Zoho Social 

Sendible Vs. Zoho Social 

Thousands of businesses and agencies use Zoho Social to streamline social media management. The platform has advanced features and relatively lower pricing, starting from $15 monthly.

Zoho Social is a dependable tool, and its G2 rating of 4.6/5 from over 2,400 reviews is a testament to that. However, the platform falls short compared to Sendible in multiple areas. One of them is third-party integrations. Besides the supported social media platforms, ZohoSocial supports just around three integrations.

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Summary of How Sendible Compares With Other Platforms

Sendible HootsuiteAgorapulseZoho Social
Free trial14 days 30 days 15 days30 days
Paid PricingStarts at $29 per month Starts at $99 per month Starts at $69 per month Starts at $15 per month 
Scheduling ✔✔✔✔
Multiple social platforms ✔✔✔✔
Brand monitoring ✔✔✔✔
White label✔✔✔✔
Live support ✔✖✖✖
Mobile App✔✔✔✔

Is Sendible Worth the Money?

Sendible is more affordable than Hootsuite and Agorapulse. 

Only Zoho Social manages more affordable pricing. Nevertheless, focusing on features, Sendible gives you value for your money.

With the cheapest plan, you get to manage six social profiles. In addition, you get features like unlimited scheduling, content ideas, brand monitoring, and reporting. 

If you need team collaboration, the Tracton plan, which we use, will serve. And it costs less than $80 per month. Interestingly, you get a 15% discount when you pay annually. So, the tool is worth the money.

Pros and Cons of Sendible


  • Intuitive user interface
  • Supports Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and YouTube
  • Audience engagement and interaction features
  • Brand, competitor, and industry monitoring
  • Accurate reports and insights
  • White label dashboard
  • Integrates with Google Business, Analytics, Drive, Pexels, Canva, and WordPress
  • Dependable customer support service and resources


  • IOS mobile app lacks some features
  • Brand monitoring may take time to set up

Sendible Review 2023: Final Verdict

In conclusion, we can’t phantom using any other social media management tool that’s not Sendible. That’s how strongly we trust and recommend the tool to anyone wanting to grow their audience. 

From this review, you can understand the quality features available when you subscribe. But you can register an account now for $0 and try the tool for 14 days. At the end of the trial period, you’ll most likely pay a subscription and continue using Sendible.  

Hand-Picked For You:

Sendible FAQs

What is Sendible used for?

Sendible is used for social media management. You can leverage the platform to schedule posts, engage your audience, and monitor brand mentions, among other capabilities.

Does Sendible have a free plan?

Yes, Sendible has a free plan, but it’s a trial. The trial period lasts for 14 days and is available for all paid plans.

What are the key features of Sendible?

Some key features of Sendible include:

  • Scheduling 
  • Reporting
  • Third-party integrations 
  • Quality support
  • Audience engagement 
  • Collaboration
  • Brand mentioning 

Does Sendible have an app?

Yes, Sendible has an app available for iOS and Android. You can download and access these apps to monitor your activities on the go. However, note that the app is more suitable for Android than iOS.

What are the benefits of Sendible?

The benefits of Sendible are that you can release posts on social media on time, interact with comments and DMs, and develop accurate reports. All these help grow an audience. 


  • J.R. Isong

    As a business growth strategist, I specialize in helping small business, especially HVAC and Legal Practices, achieve sustainable growth through the development and implementation of strategic initiatives.

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