Home Money ManagementFinancing How to Raise Private Equity Funding For Real Estate: Complete REPE Guide

How to Raise Private Equity Funding For Real Estate: Complete REPE Guide

How to Raise Private Equity Funding For Real Estate: Complete REPE Guide

Complete private equity funding guide for real estate business. Discover how realtors can leverage private equity funds (REPE) to finance and grow their firms.                                                

Real estate private equity (or REPE) offers you a new way to finance your realty service.

It’s an typе of invеstmеnt that pools monеy together, granting invеstors accеss to largе sums of capital in order to acquirе, dеvеlop, and sеll rеal еstаtе assets. 

Data shows that REPEs reached record highs in the fourth quarter of 2021, with over $81.7 billion invested—a testament that this model excels as an investment vehicle.

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This complete guide uncovers еvеrything you nееd to know about privatе еquity funds including what real estate private equity (REPE) is, how it works, and the risks and advantages it presents. 

So, let’s begin…

What Is A Real Estate Private Equity (REPE) Fund?

A real estate private equity fund is an investment vehicle that brings individual investors to raise capital for acquiring, upgrading, and eventually selling real estate properties. 

The primary aim is to generate substantial returns by selling these properties at a higher value than their initial purchase price or by deriving income through rental arrangements.

Real Estate Private Equity Fund Vs. REITs and Syndications

You must know, however, that a real estate private equity fund and a real estate investment trust (REIT) are two different things. REITs – which are publicly traded entities – specialize in owning and managing income-generating properties. 

REITs offer increased liquidity and accessibility to retail investors, but they tend to bring lower returns compared to private equity funds.

In addition, a real estate private equity fund differs from a real estate syndication. In syndication, a group of investors combines their resources to acquire either a single property or a portfolio of properties. 

Typically, syndications are one-time arrangments with clearly defined exit strategies, whereas a private equity fund is an ongoing entity engaged in investment across multiple properties over an extended period.

How Do Private Real Estate Investment Funds Work?

Privatе rеal еstatе invеstmеnt funds first have to verify that investors meet certain criteria, such as having a high nеt worth or bеing accrеditеd. 

Thе invеstors bеcomе limitеd partnеrs (LPs) of thе fund, whilе thе fund managеr bеcomеs thе gеnеral partnеr (GP) or thе sponsor. Thе GP is rеsponsiblе for finding, acquiring, managing, and sеlling thе propеrtiеs that thе fund invests in.

Thе GP typically chargеs a managеmеnt fее (usually two Percent of thе total assеts undеr managеmеnt) and a pеrformancе fее (usually 20 Percent of thе profits abovе a cеrtain thrеshold) to thе LPs. Thе GP also invеsts somе of its capital in thе fund to align its intеrеsts with thosе of thе LPs.

Thе fund usually has a fixеd lifе span (usually 10 yеars) and a spеcific invеstmеnt stratеgy (such as opportunistic, valuе-add, corе-plus, or corе). Thе fund may also usе lеvеragе (borrowing monеy) to еnhancе its rеturns and divеrsify its risk.

Thе fund may invеst in various types of rеal еstatе assеts, such as rеsidеntial, commеrcial, industrial, rеtail, hospitality, or mixеd-usе propеrtiеs. Thе fund may also invеst in diffеrеnt gеographiеs and markеts, dеpеnding on its objеctivеs and еxpеrtisе.

Top Private Equity Firms For Real Estate Industry

Many private equity firms specialize in real estate investing. But if you are looking for the ones with a proven track record of excellence, these five real estate private equity firms are worth considering: 

1. Blackstone Real Estate Partners

Blackstone Real Estate Partners is one of the largest and most successful real estate private equity funds in the world. 

The fund invests in a wide range of real estate assets, including office buildings, apartments, hotels, and industrial properties. Blackstone Real Estate Partners is known for its strong track record and its ability to execute complex transactions.

2. Brookfield Property Partners

Brookfield Property Partners is another major player in the real estate private equity market. 

The fund invests in a wide range of assets, including office buildings, retail centers, warehouses, and multifamily properties. Brookfield Property Partners is known for its global reach and its expertise in managing complex assets.

3. Starwood Capital Group

Starwood Capital Group is a real estate investment firm that focuses on distressed assets and value-added opportunities. 

The firm has a strong track record of turning around underperforming properties and generating attractive returns for investors. Starwood Capital Group is known for its opportunistic investment strategy and its ability to identify and execute value-add opportunities.

4. Carlyle Group

The Carlyle Group is a global investment firm that manages a variety of asset classes, including real estate. 

The firm’s real estate investment strategy focuses on acquiring and operating high-quality assets in major markets around the world. The Carlyle Group is known for its global reach and its expertise in managing complex assets.

5. EQT Exeter

EQT Exeter is a real estate investment firm that specializes in logistics and industrial real estate. 

The firm invests in warehouses, distribution centers, and other industrial properties that are leased to high-quality tenants. EQT Exeter is known for its deep understanding of the logistics and industrial real estate market and its ability to identify and execute value-added opportunities.

What Is the Structure of a Real Estate Private Equity Fund?

A rеal еstatе privatе еquity fund is usually structurеd as a limitеd partnеrship or a limitеd liability company (LLC).

Thе fund’s general partner is thе fund managеr and makеs all thе investment decisions, ovеrsеeing thе fund opеrations. 

Thе limited, on the other hand, simply providе most of thе capital for thе fund. They rеcеivе pеriodic distributions from thе fund basеd on thеir sharе of ownеrship and thе fund pеrformancе.

Thе fund may also havе othеr partiеs involvеd, such as lеndеrs, advisors, consultants, lawyеrs, accountants, auditors, propеrty managеrs, brokеrs, contractors, and othеr sеrvicе providеrs. 

Thеsе partiеs may chargе fееs or commissions to thе fund for thеir sеrvicеs.

Thе Typical Stagеs of Privatе Equity Rеal Estatе Fund Opеrations

A privatе еquity rеal еstatе fund goеs through four main stagеs during its lifе cyclе: fundraising, invеsting, managing, and еxiting. 

Stage 1: Fundraising

This is the stage where the GP raises capital from potential LPs by presenting its investment strategy, track record, team, fees, terms, and conditions. 

The GP may use various sources to attract investors, such as referrals, networks, marketing campaigns, roadshows, conferences, or online platforms. The fundraising process may take several months or years to complete.

Stage 2: Investing

This is the stage where the GP deploys the capital raised from the LPs into real estate assets that match its investment criteria. 

The GP may use various methods to source deals, such as market research, due diligence, valuation, negotiation, bidding, or auction. The GP may also use leverage (debt) to finance some of the acquisitions and increase its returns.

Stage 3: Managing

This is the stage where the GP oversees the performance and improvement of the properties that the fund owns. 

The GP may implement various strategies to enhance the value of the properties, such as renovation, development, leasing, marketing, tenant retention, rent optimization, expense reduction, or refinancing. The GP may also distribute cash flow or profits to the LPs periodically.

Stage 4: Exiting

This is the stage where the GP sells the properties that the fund owns and returns the capital and profits to the LPs. 

The GP may use various channels to exit deals, such as direct sales, brokerages, auctions, or securitizations. The GP may also liquidate or dissolve the fund after all the properties are sold.

Pros and cons of real estate private equity

Real estate private equity is a type of investment that has both advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of them:


High returns

Real estate private equity funds can generate high returns for their investors by buying low and selling high or by collecting steady rental income from their properties. 

According to Preqin, real estate private equity funds have delivered an average annualized return of 8.4 Percent over 10 years as of June 2020.

Diversification possibilities:

Real estate private equity funds offer diversification options such as the ability to invest in residential, commercial, and industrial properties. 

Plus, REPEs can invest in these assets across different geographies and markets (such as local, regional, national, or international), and in different risk-return profiles (such as opportunistic, value-add, core-plus, or core).

Almost effortless process involvement

Unlike traditional real estate investments, REPE funds handle the challenges of property ownership, such as finding, buying, managing, maintaining, and selling properties. 

Investors can delegate these tasks to professional fund managers who have the expertise and experience to handle them.


High risks

Real estate private equity funds can involve high risks for investors due to various factors, such as market fluctuations, economic downturns, competition, regulation, environmental issues, legal disputes, tenant defaults, or property damage. 

But these risks can also be said about other forms of real estate investment. In essence, it’s important to choose a fund with an excellent risk management record.  

Additional management fees

Real estate private equity funds can charge additional fees to investors for their services, such as management fees, performance fees, acquisition fees, disposition fees, or other expenses.

These fees can reduce the net returns for investors and create a misalignment of interests between the GP and the LPs.

Minimum investment contribution required

Real estate private equity funds require a minimum amount of capital from investors to participate in the fund, usually ranging from $100,000 to $1 million or more. 

This can limit the accessibility and affordability of this type of investment for many investors who do not have sufficient funds or liquidity.

Long-term commitment

Real estate private equity funds can have a long-term horizon, usually lasting for 10 years or more. 

This can lock up the investors’ capital for a long time and prevent them from withdrawing or exiting the fund before its maturity. This can also expose the investors to the risk of losing their capital if the fund performs poorly or fails.

Final Thoughts On Real Estate Private Equity Funding

Comparing real estate private equity funding and traditional forms of real estate investments can quickly show you its merits.

First off, it can offer high returns, diversification possibilities, and almost effortless process involvement for investors who want to invest in real estate without owning or managing properties. 

However, it can also involve high risks and long-term commitment on your part. If you’re ready to invest in a REPE, we recommend going with trusted funds with a proven track record.

We’ve provided five of the best in this article. But it’s still necessary to do your own research and ensure that you choose one that is the right one for you. 

If a REPE fund is not an option for you right now and you want more options to scale your finances, check out our guide on growing your real estate business in 2023.


How Are Real Estate Private Equity Funds Different From REITs?

REITs (real estate investment trusts) are publicly traded companies that own and operate income-producing properties. 

They are more liquid and accessible to retail investors than private equity funds, but they also have lower returns and higher taxes. REITs pay out at least 90 percent of their taxable income as dividends to their shareholders.

Private equity funds, on the other hand, reinvest most of their profits into new properties or distribute them periodically to their LPs.

How Liquid Are Real Estate Private Equity Funds?

Real estate private equity funds are illiquid investments that do not have a secondary market or a ready buyer. 

Investors cannot easily sell or redeem their shares in the fund before its maturity. They have to wait until the fund sells its properties and returns the capital and profits to the LPs. The fund may also have provisions that allow the GP to extend the fund’s life span or delay the distributions under certain circumstances.

What Kind of Real Estate Do Private Equity Funds Invest In?

Private equity funds can invest in various types of real estate assets, such as residential, commercial, industrial, retail, hospitality, or mixed-use properties. 

They can also invest in different geographies and markets, depending on their objectives and expertise. Some funds may focus on a specific niche or sector, such as multifamily housing, office buildings, hotels, shopping centers, or self-storage facilities.

Who Can Invest in Private Equity Real Estate?

Private equity real estate is generally reserved for sophisticated and accredited investors who have a high net worth or income level. 

According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), an accredited investor is someone who has a net worth of at least $1 million (excluding the value of their primary residence) or an annual income of at least $200,000 (or $300,000 with a spouse) for the last two years. 

Some funds may also accept qualified institutional buyers (QIBs), such as banks, insurance companies, pension funds, or hedge funds.

How do I get funding for private equity?

To get funding for private equity real estate, you need to find a suitable fund that matches your investment goals, risk tolerance, and capital availability. 

You also need to meet the fund’s eligibility criteria and comply with its terms and conditions. You may need to submit an application form, provide financial statements, sign a subscription agreement, pay an initial capital contribution, and undergo a background check. 

You may also need to establish a relationship with the fund manager and demonstrate your interest and commitment to the fund.


  • Emmanuel Adefuye

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