Home MarketingMarketing Hacks 11 Ways to Use Your Sample Facebook Page Reviews as Social Proof

11 Ways to Use Your Sample Facebook Page Reviews as Social Proof

11 Ways to Use Sample Facebook Page Reviews as a Social Proof

Discover how to use sample Facebook page reviews as social proof for your website. Use our expert tips to pull it off to boost brand perception and close more sales.

Facebook accounts for 50 percent of total social referrals and 64 percent of total social revenue. 

For context, Facebook’s closest competitor in terms of social referrals is Pinterest, which only accounts for 8 percent of the total share. 

This means that Facebook is among the most important social media platforms for businesses looking to drive traffic and revenue to their websites. Hence, harnessing Facebook reviews is not just a step in the right direction; it’s a critical step for getting ahead.

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But why are Facebook reviews exactly what you need? 

We will answer the question in this blog post and how to make the most of the reviews on your company’s Facebook page plus the best tools to use to make it happen and more.

So, let’s begin…

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Why Facebook Page Reviews Matters

Online reviews have become the go-to source of information for consumers when making purchase decisions. A recent study found that 93 percent of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase. 

Why do Facebook page reviews matter? 

Because people trust them. They see them as credible and authentic because they’re written by real people. Plus, Facebook has several measures in place to prevent fake reviews.

For one, Facebook users must verify their identity before they can leave a review on a business’s Facebook page. Then they must also “like” the page. This helps Facebook to have some basic information about the reviewer, such as their name and email address.

And because the reviews are linked to user profiles, potential customers can see who is leaving reviews and learn more about them. This helps potential customers assess the credibility of the reviews.

Another study with over 2,000 American internet users found that 49 percent of them have gone to Facebook to look at reviews for nearby businesses. 

statistical chart showing online review sites people visit to conduct research on local businesses

Facebook ranked third in popularity for this, with only Google and Yelp ahead of it.

With this sorted out, let’s now dive into how you can leverage your sample Facebook page reviews as social proof to boost sales and customer retention.

Here’s How to Leverage Your Sample Facebook Page Reviews as Social Proof…

Social proof is a fancy way of saying that people often do what they see other people doing. It’s like when you’re not sure what to do, so you look at what others are doing to decide.

By displaying positive reviews from your satisfied customers, you can influence their decision-making process and persuade them to choose your brand over your competitors.

Here are eleven ways to use your Facebook page reviews to social proof your business.

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1. Interview top Facebook Reviewers

One of the best ways to create social proof from your Facebook page reviews is to interview some of your top reviewers, transform them into a video, and embed it on your website. This will not only add more credibility to your reviews but also create a deeper connection with your other customers and prospects. 

You can ask them questions about their experience with your product or service, how it solved their problem or met their needs, and what they liked most about it. 

You can also ask them for permission to use their name, photo, and testimonial on your website. We recommend that you do this as it adds depth to each customer’s reviews.

Pro Tip: Embed a video interview of your top Facebook reviewers on your website.

2. Create Blog Posts on Your Reviews

Another way is to create blog posts based on your Facebook page reviews. 

You can write about how your product or service helped your customers achieve their goals, overcome their challenges, or improve their situation. 

You can then use screenshots or quotes from your Facebook page reviews to support your claims and show real-life examples. It will not only showcase your customer success stories but also provide valuable content for your audience.

Pro Tip: Create a blog post around samples of your top Facebook page reviews.

3. Embed sample Facebook page reviews on landing pages

If you want to increase the conversion rate of your landing pages, you should also embed some of your best Facebook page reviews on them. 

The tool we use for this is Trustindex.io

It’s a professional review management software that allows you to display your reviews from different platforms, including Facebook, using various widget layouts and styles.

You can easily customize the look and feel of your review widgets and embed them on any web page with a simple code snippet. You can also use their automated review invitation system to collect more reviews from your customers.

Pro Tip: Use Trustindex.io to embed sample Facebook reviews on your landing page or website.

4. Try Monthly Facebook Page Review Roundup

A monthly Facebook page review roundup is a great way to share your customer feedback with your email list. 

Email marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies, with an average return on investment (ROI) of $42 for every $1 spent. It can also be a medium to build more trust through social proof.

By sending monthly emails that highlight some of the best reviews you receive on Facebook, you can increase the engagement and loyalty of your subscribers and encourage them to leave their reviews.

To create a monthly Facebook page review roundup, you can use Customer.ai to understand your customers, collect customer feedback, analyze data, and identify trends which you can also use in your newsletters.

Pro Tip: Share your top Facebook page reviews with customers as a monthly newsletter.

5. Design a Testimonial Page

A testimonial page is a dedicated web page that displays all or some of the positive reviews you received from your customers. It can serve as a powerful social proof tool that showcases the benefits and value of your product or service and builds trust and confidence in your brand.

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you design a testimonial page:

  • Use high-quality photos and videos of your customers
  • Include their name, location, and occupation
  • Use specific and detailed testimonials that highlight the results or outcomes
  • Use social proof indicators like ratings, stars, or badges
  • Add a CTA that directs visitors to your product or service page

Pro Tip: Have a go-to place for web visitors to check out carefully curated sample Facebook page reviews.

6. Reply to Negative Facebook Reviews to Control the Narrative

Not all Facebook page reviews are positive. 

Sometimes, you may receive negative or critical feedback from your customers. 

While this may seem like a bad thing, it can be an opportunity to show your professionalism and customer service skills. By replying to negative Facebook reviews, you can control the narrative and turn a negative situation into a positive one.

Be polite and respectful while replying to negative Facebook reviews, this sends out a message that your business is approachable and, by extension, more trustworthy.

Also, as much as possible:

  • Acknowledge the issue and apologize
  • Explain what went wrong and how you will fix it
  • Offer a solution or compensation
  • Invite the customer to contact you privately or publicly

You can use Hootsuite to monitor and manage your Facebook page reviews and respond to them quickly and effectively.

Pro Tip: Turn negative reviews into a gain by replying to them politely and offering win-win solutions to aggrieved reviewers.

7. Run Social Media Ad Campaigns

According to a study by Spiegel Research Center, displaying reviews can increase conversion rates by up to 270 percent. And 85 percent of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. 

Because people perceive Facebook reviews as authentic compared to other platforms, it makes sense to use Facebook reviews in your ad campaigns. 

This is especially crucial in a competitive market where consumers have numerous options.

You can include Facebook reviews in your social media ads. Tailor them to the specific context of your call to action, and let the algorithm do the rest for you. While you’re at it, don’t hesitate to reply to all comments, critical or positive – in fact, especially the critical comments. 

When you do, other users will be more likely to try out your offer.

Pro Tip: Use social media ads to share and amplify your positive reviews.

8. Leverage Sample Facebook Page Review + Celebrity Endorsements

You can also use the combined power of celebrity endorsements and genuine Facebook page reviews to drive even more traffic to your offer. 

For example, Nike works with celebrities like Cristiano Ronaldo, Serena Williams, etc. to endorse its products and create campaigns that draw the crowd. They also display the same on their website alongside customer reviews. However, we understand that not every business has the ad budget of Nike.

The good news is that there’s a better way to get celebrity endorsements for social proof: using social media influencers. These people are celebrities in their rights, with followings ranging from a few thousand to millions. 

Plus, there’s a social media influencer for every budget so you don’t have to worry about breaking the bank.

You can get these influencers to share your top Facebook reviews on their platforms and social media, including Facebook. Doing it right can help you build positive brand perception and generate referral traffic to your site.

Pro Tip: Get influencers to share your positive Facebook reviews.

9. Showcase Your Numbers

When it comes to conveying trust and credibility, sometimes, numbers speak louder than words. Your achievements and milestones can serve as compelling social proof.

If, for instance, you’re offering a digital product like an ebook, and many people have downloaded it, don’t keep it a secret. You can share this information in real time on your homepage plus a link to the Facebook review page.

But it’s not just about sales figures. You can consider showcasing other numbers such as:

  • Savings: How much money have customers saved by choosing your business over others?
  • Social Media Following: If your social media presence is thriving, don’t be shy about displaying the number of followers you’ve garnered and your five-star rating. If you have an impressive number of five stars, then let people know.
  • Customer Count: Highlight the number of satisfied customers you’ve served over time, etc.

Take a closer look at your numbers and determine which ones hold the most weight and are worth displaying on your website. These figures can serve as powerful social proof and reinforce your brand’s credibility.

Pro Tip: Display the number of five-star ratings you have on your website.

10. Go Wider With Press Releases

Press releases can help you amplify your brand’s social proof by getting your best Facebook page reviews seen by more people.

Think of a press release as your brand’s announcement to the world. 

Begin by crafting a compelling press release that highlights the most glowing reviews your business has received. It should tell a story of your brand’s excellence and draw attention to the experiences your customers have shared.

Next, it’s time to distribute your press release. 

We recommend using 24-7 Press Release because they can distribute your press release to thousands of media outlets, journalists, bloggers, and online syndication sites. They let you target media by industry category, geographic location, or keyword. 

You can also track the performance and reach of your press release using analytics and reports.

The goal is to get your press release noticed by media outlets like CNN and BBC. 

These platforms often look for interesting and noteworthy stories to share with their global audiences. Once your brand gets featured on these high-authority media outlets, you can proudly display these achievements on your website like we did on ours.

a screenshot of the As Seen On section of the smartentrepreneurblog website

It’s simple.

Just create an “As Seen On” section that showcases the logos of the publications that have recognized your brand. These badges act as visual proof of your brand’s credibility and can inspire trust in visitors.

Pro Tip: Leverage press releases to achieve earned media and positive brand mentions.

11. Share Your Reviews on Social Media

Your satisfied customers have already spoken highly of your products or services through their reviews. 

Now, it’s time to amplify their voices by sharing these endorsements with your social media audience. The positive experiences they’ve had can serve as compelling social proof.

When sharing reviews on social media, consider turning them into visually appealing and engaging posts. You can create eye-catching graphics or share snippets of reviews as text-based posts. Include compelling visuals, such as high-quality images or videos, to grab your audience’s attention.

When potential customers see that others have had positive experiences with your brand, they are more likely to trust your business.

Pro Tip: Share your reviews across multiple social media platforms.

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How to Get More Facebook Page Reviews

In writing this blog post, we assumed that you already have several Facebook page reviews to start. 

But for those who are just getting started with getting Facebook page reviews for social proof, here are three steps we recommend taking: 

Step 1: Ask Your Customers to Leave Feedback

One of the simplest and most effective ways to get more Facebook page reviews is to ask your customers to leave feedback on your Facebook page. 

You can do this by sending follow-up emails after a purchase and displaying pop-ups or banners on your website. You should also make it easy for your customers to leave reviews by providing clear instructions and links to your Facebook page.

Step 2: Offer Incentives or Rewards

Another way to get more Facebook page reviews is to offer incentives or rewards to your customers who leave feedback. 

You can offer discounts, coupons, freebies, or loyalty points to encourage your customers to share their experiences and opinions. You should also make sure that your incentives or rewards are relevant, valuable, and transparent to your customers.

Step 3: Use Tools to Automate and Streamline the Process 

You want to be as efficient as possible, so the best way to get more Facebook page reviews is to use tools. 

There are tools made specifically to help you automate and streamline the process of collecting, managing, and displaying reviews. Let’s take a look at a few of them in the next section.

Top Facebook Reviews Management Tools

Here are some of the top tools that you can use for Facebook review management:

1. TrustIndex.io

You’ve collected testimonials and reviews from your customers on various platforms, including Facebook, Google, Yelp, and Trustpilot, now you’re facing a new challenge – how to effectively show off these valuable reviews to bolster your online reputation and attract new customers.

This is precisely the problem that Trustidex.io aims to solve. Trustidex.io can simplify the process of collecting, managing, and displaying customer reviews from many different sources. 

With Trustindex.io, you can:

  • Customize the look and feel of your review widgets and embed them on any web page with a simple code snippet.
  • Monitor and respond to your reviews from a single dashboard and generate reports and insights to improve your customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Use email campaigns, QR codes, or NFC cards to invite your customers to leave feedback on your Facebook page.
  • Display your Facebook reviews on other platforms, such as your website, email signature, or social media.

2. Hootsuite

When it comes to streamlining social proof posts on social media channels, few tools come close to Hootsuite. This tool can help you do everything a social media manager does, but better.

If you manage many social media handles, including multiple Facebook pages, it allows you to monitor and manage various from a single dashboard. This streamlines your workflow, saving you valuable time and ensuring that no review goes unnoticed.

With Hootsuite, you can also create content calendars to keep to a regular posting schedule or remind your customers to share their feedback. This guarantees that your review-generating efforts remain consistent even during busy periods.

3. Usersnap

Usersnap is a tool that helps you collect feedback and reviews from your customers on your website or app. You can use Usersnap to get more Facebook reviews for your business by following these steps:

  1. Sign up for a free account on Usersnap and connect to your Facebook page.
  2. Create custom feedback forms and surveys that integrate with your Facebook page and ask your customers to rate and review your product or service.
  3. Embed the feedback forms and surveys on your website or app using Usersnap’s code snippet or plugin.
  4. Track and manage your feedback and reviews from a central platform and collaborate with your team to improve your customer experience.
  5. Share your feedback and reviews on your Facebook page or other platforms using Usersnap’s integrations.

4. Customer.io 

Another way to get more reviews from your customers is through personalized email outreach.

Customer.io is a tool that helps to create personalized and automated email campaigns so you can effortlessly request feedback and reviews from your customers.

Customer.ai equips you with a range of email templates tailored to soliciting reviews and feedback. These templates are not just functional; they are designed to be engaging and professional. 

Plus, the platform’s drag-and-drop email editor and pre-built templates make it easy to create emails that resonate with your customers.

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Best Practices for Showcasing Facebook Page Reviews on Your Website 

Getting positive reviews from real people is one thing, but showing them off effectively is quite another.

Wrong placement, for instance, can neutralize the effect of an otherwise powerful Facebook review. Not every business knows this, so we’ve rounded up some of the best practices for showing Facebook page reviews on your website.

Let’s get started.

Display them prominently

Display your Facebook page reviews prominently on your website, especially on pages where you want to persuade your visitors to take action, such as landing pages, product pages, or checkout pages. 

You should also use high-quality photos, videos, or graphics to showcase your reviews and make them more appealing and engaging.

Use social proof indicators

Use social proof indicators like ratings, stars, or badges to highlight the quality and quantity of your Facebook page reviews. This will help you boost the credibility and authority of your reviews and influence the decision-making process of your visitors.

Add a call-to-action

Add a clear call-to-action (CTA) that invites your visitors to check out more reviews on your Facebook page or leave their feedback. This will help you drive more traffic and referrals to your Facebook page and generate more reviews from your customers.

Final Thought on Using Sample Facebook Page Reviews for Social Proof

Reviews are a big deal in the online sphere. 

Many people, about 90 percent, trust online reviews just as much as they trust recommendations from their friends and family. This shows how much reviews matter in helping people make decisions.

So, having Facebook page reviews is great, but it’s what you do with them that counts. We believe using them as social proof can make a difference.

And this blog post can guide you right. 

You can get more inspiration on leveraging social proof to grow your small business by checking out our comprehensive social proof guide for dental practitioners

Hand-Picked For You:


How Can I Handle Negative Facebook Page Reviews to Minimize Their Impact on My Brand?

Respond promptly and professionally and address the customer’s concerns. Attempt to resolve the issue privately if possible and use negative feedback as an opportunity for improvement. You can also answer customer complaints publicly to foster transparency for others intending to deal with your brand.

What Are Some Specific Examples of Social Proof That I Can Show on My Website?

Here are different types of social proof that you can use on your website:

  • Customer reviews and testimonials.
  • Social media engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, and shares.
  • Number of followers.
  • Media coverage.
  • Industry awards and recognition.
  • Influencer endorsements.
  • Case studies and customer success stories.

What Are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Social Proof?

This part is not often spoken about, but misusing social proof on social media and your website can have terrible consequences such as mistrust potential clients distrusting your business. 

In general, don’t buy fake reviews or social media engagement as it will damage your credibility and backfire in the long run. 

And while you’re at it, don’t be too pushy. Let it speak for itself. Don’t use it in a way that is misleading or deceptive.

How Can I Use Social Proof in My Facebook Ads?

You can use social proof in your Facebook ads to make them more effective. Here are a few tips:

  • Include customer reviews and testimonials in your ad copy.
  • Highlight your social media engagement metrics on your website, that is if they are impressive enough. It could be likes, comments, shares, etc.
  • Mention any media coverage or industry awards that you have received.
  • Partner with influencers to create and promote your Facebook ads.

What Are the Benefits of Integrating Facebook Page Reviews into My Website?

Integrating Facebook Page Reviews into your website can boost your credibility, increase conversion rates, and enhance your SEO. It also provides valuable information to potential customers, helping them make informed decisions.


  • Emmanuel Adefuye

    Meet Emmanuel, a creative genius specializing in creating SEO blog posts. In the last three years, he's made it his business to use best practices combined with razor-sharp editing skills to produce top-caliber SEO content for blogs and businesses. When it comes to creating digital narratives that matter, he knows just how to work his magic by blending strategic thinking with imaginative naunces in every work produced. Beyond his love for producing captivating reads, he has a great love for furry pets and mouth-watering cuisines. You'll find him meandering through different literary worlds in his free time. But be careful, he'll talk you in to what's tingles his current fancy.

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