Home Marketing Mastering Digital PR Link building: How We Use Press Releases to Build Quality SEO BackLinks For Clients

Mastering Digital PR Link building: How We Use Press Releases to Build Quality SEO BackLinks For Clients

Try these PR link building strategies. Learn how to use digital PR distribution services to get quality SEO backlinks

Curious about building high-DA backlinks in 2024? Try these PR link building strategies. Learn how to use digital PR distribution services to get quality SEO backlinks to boost your search ranking, improve domain authority and generate traffic.

Building quality backlinks—off-page SEO used to be the most challenging aspect of search engine optimization. However, the proliferation of digital press release distribution services has made it effortless.

Here, we’ll explore nine ways to do this, plus top digital PR solutions you should consider for your PR link-building campaigns. The article also covers ten best practices to help you stay on course.

So, let’s get started.

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Here are some press releases you can send to earn quality backlinks, boost brand awareness, and connect prospects emotionally to your brand.

  • New milestones
  • Product launch
  • Website Redesign
  • Service upgrade
  • Price changes
  • Social causes
  • New blog posts
  • Holiday sales promotions
  • Return policy update

1. New Milestones

It’s totally cool to brag about your achievements. 

It’s a great way to show how much you’ve grown and progressed. We leverage this opportunity to get quality backlinks from top-authority news sites and platforms. The best part is celebrating your achievements, no matter how little, can motivate you for the next big move.

Why New Milestone PRs Work

  • Enhanced Visibility: Discussing your accomplishments can help increase your visibility within your industry. People start to notice your contributions, skills, and expertise, which can lead to exciting opportunities and collaborations.
  • Credibility and Trust: Sharing your achievements demonstrates your credibility and competence in your field. When potential clients, partners, or employers see what you’ve achieved, they are more likely to trust your abilities and consider working with you.
  • Inspiration for Others: Sharing your success stories can inspire others to strive for their success. It can motivate them to set ambitious goals and work hard to achieve them.
  • Quality Backlinks: Celebrating milestones through PR makes it easy for influential media outlets to pick up your story and feature it on their websites. These give you backlinks, which are valuable for improving your search engine rankings and driving more organic traffic to your site.

Pro Tips: Highlight your accomplishments in your PR. Mention how they solve problems for your audience and your future plans. Invite them to join you on this journey and include links to your products or services. Use our Content Syndication service to get coverage from over 200 news sites.

2. Product Launch

A product launch is one of our favorite ways to build quality backlinks from press releases.

This type of PR provides relevant information about the product and when it was or will be launched. It helps you set customer expectations and control narratives around the product. Using top digital PR distribution solutions can help you earn quality backlinks and reach millions of monthly readers.

Why It Works

From our experience, product launch PRs work like wildfire; here are some reasons you should try it: 

  • Generate awareness and excitement: A well-crafted press release can help generate awareness and excitement about your new product, increasing sales and brand recognition.
  • Build credibility and trust: Getting media coverage can help build credibility and trust with potential customers, as it shows that your product is newsworthy and validated by experts.
  • Reach a wider audience: Press releases can help you reach a wider audience than you can on your own, as they can be picked up by news outlets and shared on social media.
  • Improve search engine rankings: Backlinks from reputable news outlets can help improve your rankings, leading to more organic traffic and visibility.
  • Generate leads and sales: A well-written press release can generate leads and sales by providing potential customers with the information they need to make a purchase decision.

Pro Tips: Use our Sponsored Post services to spread the word about your new product. We have written nearly 1,000 killer PRs in the last three years. Plus, our distribution and syndication service can get your story featured on over 200 top media news sites, like FOX, NBC, CBS, and USA Today. 

3. Website Redesign

There might come a time when you’ll get tired of your website.

And you think getting a redesign will boost your brand. Whenever that happens, don’t keep it a secret—let your audience know about the makeover and how it’s going to make their experience even better.

Why It Works

Sending a website redesign PR can benefit your business in several ways:

  • Increased Brand Awareness: A well-written PR can generate buzz and excitement around the new website, increasing brand visibility and awareness among potential customers.
  • Improved Customer Experience: The PR can highlight the new features and improvements of the redesigned website, emphasizing how they will enhance the user experience and make it easier for customers to find what they are looking for.
  • SEO Boost: Of course, backlinks from reputable media publications can improve a website’s search engine rankings, leading to increased organic traffic and visibility.
  • Credibility and Trust: Getting media coverage for the website redesign can enhance your business’s credibility, demonstrating that the company is actively improving its online presence.
  • Competitive Advantage: A well-executed website redesign PR can give your business a competitive edge by showcasing its commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction.

Pro Tips: Build your PR around the idea that it’s part of your company’s “ongoing commitment to improve user experience and satisfaction.” Highlight the new features and how they will improve the customer experience. Syndicate the PR and reach over 200 media sites here. 

4. Service Upgrade

Also, don’t keep your customers in the dark about your service improvements.

Let them know that you’re not sleeping on improving their service experiences. Whether it’s adding new features, offering more payment options, or providing additional customer support channels, please keep them in the loop.

Why It Works

In addition to helping boost your SEO, here’s how running a service upgrade PR campaign can help your business:

  • Increases customer satisfaction: Informing customers about improvements to your service shows that you are committed to their satisfaction and meeting their needs.
  • Boosts sales: Highlighting your service’s new or improved features can encourage customers to purchase it or upgrade to a higher tier.
  • Enhances brand reputation: Positive service upgrade PR can help improve your brand’s reputation and make you stand out from your competitors.
  • Generates positive word-of-mouth: When customers are happy with your improved service, they are more likely to share their positive experiences with others.
  • Builds customer loyalty: By showing customers that you are constantly working to improve your service, you can build customer loyalty and increase retention rates.

Pro Tips: Just as in the website redesign PR, build this campaign around the idea that you’re committed to providing even better customer service. 

5. Price Changes

Let’s face it: price is a big deal when people shop.

It’s one of the key things they look at before deciding to buy something, so you must keep them informed about any price changes. We don’t joke with price-fall PR campaigns. They allow us to pitch our offerings to an entirely new audience and hook them up with our value proposition.

Moreover, we get hundreds of high-DA backlinks to boost our search ranking.

Why It Works

  • Creates news: A price change is a newsworthy event most media outlets would be willing to cover. This can help to generate publicity for your business and reach a wider audience.
  • Generating buzz and excitement: Announcing a lower price change can create buzz and excitement among consumers, increasing sales and brand recognition.e
  • Boosts sales: A price-fall PR campaign can lead to increased sales by attracting new customers and encouraging existing customers to make more purchases.

Pro Tips: When writing your press release, highlight how much money customers can save by taking advantage of the price drop. Don’t forget to use a PR distribution service to syndicate your press release. That way, you can reach a wider audience and get backlinks from media sites.

6. Social Causes

Customers love it when their favorite brands give back to society.

Most consumers expect you to do that. Seventy-five percent of Americans admitted in a survey that it’s no longer acceptable for businesses to just make money; they must also positively impact society. Sixty-nine percent said they would be less likely to support a business that’s only into making money.

Don’t keep it a secret if you’re already doing that. Spread the word about it and use the opportunity to build quality backlinks to your website to boost your SEO.

Why It Works

From our experience, here’s how sending PRs to raise awareness about your social causes can help your business, in addition to getting you hundreds of high-DA backlinks:

  • Brand Alignment and Reputation Building: Aligning with social causes that resonate with the target audience helps establish a positive brand image and build trust.
  • Media Visibility: Media outlets often cover stories about businesses making a positive impact, providing free publicity and visibility.
  • Customer Loyalty and Advocacy: Customers are more likely to be loyal and advocate for a brand that aligns with their values.
  • Employee Engagement and Morale: Employees feel a sense of purpose and pride when their company is involved in social causes.
  • Competitive Advantage: Demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility can give businesses a competitive edge.

Pro Tips: Craft your PRs, demonstrating how each sale supports your business in improving society. Highlight how your social causes have impacted society and invite your audience to walk with you to make the world an even better place.

7. New Blog Post

You can send a press release about your newly published blog post.

It’s also one of our favorites. We love it because this type of press release gives you the flexibility to cover whatever topic you desire. This way, you won’t run out of press release ideas since most PR backlink-building ideas here are seasonal, like price changes, service upgrades, website design, etc. 

We sent a PR when we published a blog post on content marketing strategies for HVAC contractors. We syndicated the PR and got picked up by several media outlets, earning us hundreds of backlinks.  

Why It Works

  • Increase website traffic: A well-written press release can generate backlinks and drive qualified traffic to your blog post.
  • Extend your reach and visibility: Press releases can help you reach a wider audience beyond your existing network and increase the visibility of your blog post.
  • Boost your SEO: Backlinks from reputable news outlets can improve your search engine rankings, making your blog post more visible to potential readers.
  • Establish thought leadership: Sharing your expertise and insights can help position you as a thought leader in your industry.

Pro Tips: Position the blog post as a guide and highlight how it can benefit your audience. You can check out an example of our blog post PR here to see how it looks to inspire yours.

8. Holiday Sales Promotion

Every year, holiday sales bring in a ton of shopping action.

They’re a big deal, so don’t treat them like any other day. Consumers spent over $211 billion online over the 2022 holiday season, up by 3.5% year over year. Send a press release during sales holiday seasons to get a cut of the pie and earn quality backlinks.

Why It Works

  • Increase sales: Holiday sales promotion PRs can help businesses increase sales by generating awareness of their special offers and driving traffic to their website or store.
  • Build relationships with journalists: Sending these PRs can help your business build relationships with journalists and other influencers, which can benefit future PR efforts.
  • Boost brand awareness: Holiday sales promotion PRs put your business in front of a wider audience, generating valuable brand awareness.
  • Improve search engine rankings: It helps generate tons of quality backlinks, boosting your website search ranking.

Pro Tips: Keep these key holiday sale seasons in mind:

  • Riyad season (October to March)
  • White Friday (Middle East shopping holiday November 22 – 29th)
  • Thanksgiving (the fourth Friday in November)
  • Black Friday (the Friday after Thanksgiving)
  • Small business Saturday in the US (the Saturday following the black Friday)
  • Cyber Monday (the Monday following the black Friday)
  • Giving Tuesday (the Tuesday following the black Friday)
  • Small Business Saturday in the UK (first Saturday of December)
  • Green Monday (second Monday of December)
  • Hanukkah (the 25th day of Kislev in the Hebrew calendar)
  • Christmas Eve (December 24th)
  • New Year’s Eve (December 31st)
  • Ramadan Eve
  • Chinese New Year

9. Return Policy Update

Don’t let your return policy update go unnoticed.

Your customers have the right to know. Also, sending this PR puts your business in front of a new audience. The best part is you can leverage this opportunity to pitch your service to them creatively.

Why It Works

  • Compliance: Updating customers on return policy changes keeps businesses compliant with consumer protection regulations.
  • More Visibility: Sending press releases on return policy updates can help more people learn about your business, improving brand awareness and visibility.
  • SEO: Distributing the press release through reputable channels can earn backlinks, boosting search ranking and organic traffic.

Pro Tips: Creatively pitch your services or products in your return policy update press release to create awareness for them. Link to them to build backlinks to the product or service pages.

The key to building quality backlinks from PR is choosing the right PR distribution services. Recently, we tested several options and came up with seven top contenders. Each can put you in front of millions of monthly readers and land you backlinks from mainstream media, including:

  • Google News
  • AP News
  • NBC
  • CBS
  • FOX
  • Yahoo News
  • Bloomberg
  • Bing
  • Benzinga
  • USA Today

Let’s explore them briefly.


Best for brand visibility and building social proof to boost sales conversion. The platform can get you coverage in over 400 media sites with up to 244 million monthly readers. It offers an “As Seen On” badge you can embed on your website or landing pages to gain customers’ trust and confidence. Pricing starts at $165, which lets you syndicate your PR on 250 media sites. 

EIN Presswire 

Great for running hyper-targeted PR campaigns. It lets you target specific countries and industries to reach your ideal audience. Plus, the platform can get you coverage from over 100 media sites. Additionally, it features an AI PR Generator and supports multiple languages. Pricing starts at $99.95 per PR.


Mastering Digital PR Link building: How We Use Press Releases to Build Quality SEO BackLinks For Clients 1

Perfect for pitching your PR to journalists and building media relations. It also lets you track media mentions, find relevant media contacts, and send and create PRs. The platform doesn’t syndicate press releases. Instead, it connects you to relevant real journalists who can carry your story. Pricing is subscription-based, and the most basic plan starts at $369 per month.


Mastering Digital PR Link building: How We Use Press Releases to Build Quality SEO BackLinks For Clients 2

Great if you need quick backlink indexing and a fast search ranking boost. The platform has built-in backlink indexing capabilities that make it effortless for search engines to discover and crawl your backlinks. SEOeStore can place your PR on over 200 news sites with up to 140 million readers. The software charges only $120 per press release.

Linking News 

Mastering Digital PR Link building: How We Use Press Releases to Build Quality SEO BackLinks For Clients 3

Excellent for reaching a broad audience and getting coverage on Chinese news sites. Linking News boasts the largest PR distribution network with over 330,000 publications, 900,000 journalists, and 90 million social media influencers. It supports white-labeling, meaning it distributes PRs to news sites without their name appearing on the press release. Pricing starts at $159.


Mastering Digital PR Link building: How We Use Press Releases to Build Quality SEO BackLinks For Clients 4

Great for state-wide, national, and international PR distribution. It also lets you distribute your press releases to specific financial sites. Additionally, the platform provides media monitoring to track brand mentions and supports online newsroom services. Pricing starts at $349. 


Mastering Digital PR Link building: How We Use Press Releases to Build Quality SEO BackLinks For Clients 5

Best PR service with multimedia support. You can embed YouTube videos and images in your press release. The platform houses over 987,000 journalists, 724,000+ bloggers, and more than 4,700 PR submission sites. Additionally, it supports national newswire distribution and industry targeting. Pricing starts at $399.

Recommended For You: Read our complete review of the top 7 (+ 3) digital PR distribution solutions for SEO backlinks for 2024.

Follow these best practices to get the most from your PR link-building campaigns:

  1. Identify relevant publications: Research and identify news outlets, blogs, and online publications relevant to your industry and target audience. Try EIN Presswire.
  2. Develop newsworthy content: Create press releases, articles, or other newsworthy content that the media can pick up. All the above digital PR services offer professional PR writing services, except Linking News.
  3. Build relationships with journalists: Establish and nurture relationships with journalists and media contacts who cover your industry. Provide them with valuable information and insights regularly. Prowly makes building media relations effortless.
  4. Optimize your content for search engines: Ensure it is optimized for relevant keywords and phrases to increase its visibility in search results. NewsWire offers PR optimization capabilities.
  5. Use multimedia: Incorporate images, videos, and infographics into your content to make it more engaging and shareable. eReleases offers the best multimedia support.
  6. Promote your content on social media: Share it on social media platforms to increase its reach and visibility.
  7. Monitor your results: Regularly monitor the performance of your content and track the number of backlinks you earn.
  8. Personalize your outreach: Tailor your pitch to each journalist or editor you contact, and highlight how your content is relevant to their audience. Prowly shines here.
  9. Follow up: After sending your pitch, follow up with journalists and editors to increase the chances of coverage. Prowly does a great job of following up with journalists.
  10. Provide value: Offer journalists and editors something of value, such as exclusive access to information or insights, to increase the likelihood of coverage.

Pro Tip: With our Sponsored Post services, you can save yourself all the stress and get everything done for you. Choose any of the packages that meet your needs.


Digital PR link building involves using digital public relations (PR) tactics to earn backlinks from high-quality websites. Methods include publishing press releases, pitching stories to journalists, and creating shareable content.

Digital PR link-building is essential because it can help improve your website’s search engine rankings, increase brand awareness, and drive traffic. Backlinks are a critical ranking factor in Google’s search algorithm and can also help improve your website’s authority and credibility.

The first step is to create a list of target websites from which you would like to earn backlinks. Once you have a list of targets, you can start pitching your story ideas to them. It’s essential to tailor your pitches to each website and ensure your content is relevant and newsworthy.

Or use our Sponsored Post service, and we will take care of everything behind the scenes for you.

Here are some tips for successful digital PR link-building:

  • Build relationships with journalists and other influencers.
  • Create high-quality content that is relevant and newsworthy.
  • Pitch your story ideas to multiple websites.
  • Follow up with journalists and influencers after you’ve pitched your story.
  • Use social media to promote your content and build relationships with journalists.

You can measure the success of your digital PR link-building efforts by tracking the following metrics:

  • Number of backlinks earned
  • Quality of backlinks earned – DA and number of dofollows
  • Referral traffic from backlinks
  • Search engine rankings

Now, What’s Next

Sending these press releases is not enough.

Rinse and repeat them to generate consistently quality backlinks. Ensure you use the proper digital PR distribution software to maximize your reach. For the best results, we recommend our Sponsored Post service. It offers you everything you need to land tons of sought-after media coverage. 

The best part is you don’t even need to lift a finger—everything is done for you.


  • Chinasa Ferderick

    Ferderick is a highly skilled marketing expert with a passion for helping small businesses thrive in today's competitive landscape. With his comprehensive knowledge of the industry and expertise in marketing and SEO strategies, he has successfully assisted numerous businesses in achieving their goals.

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