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HVAC Email Marketing Strategies: A Beginner’s Guide

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Unlock the power of email marketing for your HVAC business with this beginner’s guide. Learn how to deliver effective HVAC email marketing strategies that can engage customers, generate leads, and boost sales.

Lead generation, higher conversions, and more loyal customers are some top benefits of email marketing. If these sound like what you want for your HVAC business, then you must invest in a good email marketing campaign.

But don’t do it just because we said so. Do it because it’s verified, as there are stats to back it up.

Up to 60% of customers still purchase from marketing emails they receive. Compare that with social media at 12.5%, and you’ll notice a large difference.

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What more? The average ROI for email marketing is $40, which stamps the technique as one of the most effective.

These stats confirm that the myth that email marketing is dead is just that: a myth.

But the average click-through rate of email campaigns by HVAC and related home & building businesses is low. Just 1.22%.  This problem exists due to poor email marketing campaigns.

Indeed, it’s easy to get things wrong if you’re new, but doing it right still isn’t a mammoth task. Here, we’ll discuss some expert HVAC email marketing strategies for beginners you can follow for effective campaigns.

Email Marketing Strategies For HVAC Contractors

If you’re starting as an HVAC contractor or business, the strategies below will help you turn email marketing into a revenue-generating machine. 

#1 Define your email marketing KPIs

Begin by deciding your key performance indicators. They’re essential for tracking your email marketing results.

Here are some KPIs to consider:

  • Deliverability rate 
  • Open rate
  • Bounce rate
  • List-grow rate
  • Click-through rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Unsubscribe rate

#4 Leverage Automation

Running email marketing manually is hard work. 

As a beginner, you can make things super easy by leveraging automation. And the tools we recommend are Zapier and Omnisend.

HVAC Email Marketing Strategies: A Beginner’s Guide 1

Omnisend works for all-around email marketing, while Zapier lets you connect thousands of apps. Integrating both bring about a marketing powerhouse.

Use Zapier to integrate Omnisend with your other marketing tools. Then, set Omnisend to automatically deliver messages to your HVAC customers based on certain triggers and actions on the different platforms.

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For instance, you can assign Omnisend to send a welcome message when someone subscribes to your email list. Find out more on how to go about this here.

#3 Grow your email list

Email marketing requires having a list of customer emails to message.

You can grow your email list in many ways. 

Your best bet is creating and publishing valuable content on your HVAC website. Make them SEO friendly to enable your prospects to find them on search. You can learn how to deliver an effective HVAC search engine optimization campaign here.

Give them options to subscribe to your list while on the content.

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Collect Chat is an ideal tool for this. You can add a form or engage visitors using a chatbot. Furthermore, use Zapier to transfer the emails from Collect Chat to your lead list.

Running social media ads and contests can also help build your email list. Furthermore, consider lead magnets — free HVAC items and services in exchange for customers’ contact details.

Need More Sales Leads? Discover how to convert your website traffic into qualified leads and paying customers in minutes with Collect Chat.

#4 Segment Contacts

Segment your list to deliver a more personalized experience to your audience.

A study found that doing this can guarantee about 100 percent more clicks than when you don’t. And the good thing is it’s very easy to pull off.

Start by analyzing your HVAC marketing email lists. The goal is to spot potential criteria for segmentation.

You can consider the following:


Here, you can group your contacts by:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location

If you have more info, consider segmenting by earning and education. 


Psychographics involves:

  • Interests
  • Hobbies
  • Values
  • Attitudes

Generally, you group your HVAC email contacts based on their lifestyle and personality.

Customer stage

Emails you’ll send to new customers should differ from those you send to people who patronize your HVAC business. Likewise, loyal customers will require a special segment.  

By segmenting, you can deliver emails that resonate with many people simultaneously.

Note, however, that peoples’ demographics, psychographics, buying stage, and behavior can change. So ensure you review your lists regularly and update your segments as necessary.

#5 Optimize Your Emails For Mobile

Mobile customers dominate nowadays. So, if your emails don’t display well on smartphone screens, then you might not make the most of your HVAC marketing campaigns.

Use responsive email templates that adjust accordingly to any screen size. 

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Keep your headers and subject clear and concise, or else they won’t be fully visible to readers.

Furthermore, avoid heavy visual content. Compress your HVAC images and videos, so they load quickly and don’t consume much data. You can use GIFs to replace videos in some emails.

#6 Personalized your messages

According to 96% of businesses, personalization skyrockets in email marketing success.

We use it in our campaigns and can as well confirm it works. And it’s not complex. Your focus should be on custom fields and dynamic content.

Use custom fields to adjust customer names, locations, and other details in your HVAC emails. Here’s an example:

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With dynamic content, you can add different products, images, and testimonials to your messages.

Suppose you’re sending emails to your new customers and loyal buyers segment. You can personalize by displaying your best products to new leads and exciting promos to loyal ones. It’s the same email but a different message.

Need to Get More From Your Existing Customers? Learn how we use Loyalzoo to improve our customer retention rates, get more referrals and build a loyal customer base.

#7 Run A/B tests

A/B or split tests will tell you which email will convert better. And about every top email marketing software has this feature.

You can access it with Omnisend:

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Or locate a workable A/B testing solution with Zapier.

Then, prepare multiple emails with the same message but different designs and headings. 

Launch the A/B test tool and analyze. Check the test results and capitalize on the template with the highest percentage. It’s that simple.

#8 Re-engage non-responders

Not everyone will open your HVAC emails. And some that click on it won’t take any other action. 

Having non-responders can be discouraging, but you can leverage the situation with re-engagement. They saw it before and didn’t react, so show them again.

Social media ads work best for this. Launch an ad campaign using the message in your email and target your non-responders. The more they see the message, the more likely they will engage.

How do you particularly target non-responders with social ads? We recommend FB custom targeting.

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Use FB custom targeting to create a custom audience based on data from your email marketing solution or website. 

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Again, Zapier comes in handy for the integration.

Need to outrank competitors? Get hundreds of quality backlinks to boost domain authority, generate referral traffic, and get ahead of the competition.

#9 Make your emails engaging

Your HVAC marketing campaigns won’t convert if your emails are boring. They should be interactive and engaging; it doesn’t take an expert to actualize that.

Here are some tips:

  • Use catchy headlines and opening texts.
  • Add personalized information that your segments will find appealing.
  • Add clear CTAs to your emails, and make them compelling. You can use phrases like “Buy Now,” “Learn More,” “Click Here,” etc.
  • Create a Collect Chat bot and embed it as a custom HTML in your emails. This will help facilitate easy responses and improve email engagement rate.
  • Add engaging videos as GIFs in your messages. This is one of our secret hacks to boost email engagement.

#10 Stick to Email Regulations

The goal is to convert. But to not end up on customers’ block list, you shouldn’t overdo it. So, your HVAC marketing campaigns should align with standard email regulations.

Ensure there’s an unsubscribe button included in your messages. Recipients can stop receiving notifications in their inbox when they want.

Also, don’t create too-good-to-be-true messages simply to grab customers’ attention. Email clients are smart and will send your delivery to the spam folder.

For this reason, we recommend running your email messages through spam detectors before sending them. You can use free tools like Mail Tester or Mail Genius.

Doing HVAC Email Marketing Like a Champ

The beginner HVAC email marketing strategies discussed above will get you going on a strong foot. 

They’re cost-effective, yet they generate massive results. 

And above all, anyone can implement them. Going forward, you can take your email marketing to the next level by employing more advanced strategies. 

Hand-Picked For You:


Can email marketing help grow an HVAC business?

Yes, email marketing can help grow your HVAC business. It’s an ideal digital marketing method for generating and engaging leads. Consequently, it brings more buyers and loyal customers.

How relevant is email marketing in the HVAC industry?

Email marketing is highly relevant in the HVAC industry, as most businesses in the niche use it to attract new customers. Many HVAC customers also consider emails when making purchasing decisions.

Can HVAC beginners do email marketing without a website?

Yes, it’s possible to do email marketing without a website. However, you must have an online location to direct your leads. So, you can use a social media profile instead of a website.

How do I track my email campaigns?

You can track your email campaign using the built-in analytics feature of your marketing software. Otherwise, search for a reliable tracking tool in Zapier and integrate it. 


  • J.R. Isong

    As a business growth strategist, I specialize in helping small business, especially HVAC and Legal Practices, achieve sustainable growth through the development and implementation of strategic initiatives.

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