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How to Increase HVAC Conversion Rate: A Beginner’s Guide to CRO

How to Increase HVAC Conversion Rate: A Beginner’s Guide to CRO

Learn advanced conversion rate optimization secrets to increase your HVAC conversion numbers. Discover some of what top contractors do to lower their customer acquisition costs and get more from their website visitors.

Conversion rate defines the percentage of customers who visit your website and take action.

As an HVAC business, you would not want visitors to merely visit your site and then leave. Rather, you would prefer they contact you for a consultation, request a service or subscribe to your email list.

The average conversion rate for HVAC companies is between two and five percent. However, this does not mean that you have to settle for this average. You can improve your numbers by leveraging actionable HVAC conversion rate optimization strategies. 

Recommended For You: Explore latest SEO strategies to rank your website on the Google’s first page this year. Discover out-of-the-box techniques most SEO professionals use to improve their clients' organic visibility, grow website traffic, and help them generate more leads. Get Started Now

But sadly, not many HVAC contractors pay attention to this.

Thankfully, in this blog post, we share actionable CRO strategies to increase your HVAC conversion rate. So, let’s dive in.

HVAC CRO Strategy 1: Streamline Site Navigation

Conversion rate involves page engagement.

So, the first thing you should do is streamline navigation to make it straightforward for visitors to find what they are looking for. The reality is that if a customer wants an HVAC service or product and it takes too long to find the page, they will abandon your website for your competitors. 

This is because customers are impatient and want instant gratification.

However, with easy navigation, you eliminate friction and frustrations. That means a better user experience and a higher conversion rate in the long run.

The tool you need for this strategy is Hotjar. Hotjar helps you see your website through the eyes of your visitors with heat maps and recordings.

Here’s an example of a Hotjar heatmap:

How to Increase HVAC Conversion Rate: A Beginner’s Guide to CRO 1

From the heatmap, you can see where visitors click and scroll. With recordings, it’s similar:

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Study the heatmaps and recordings to know if visitors find it hard to access page elements like the menus, search bar, CTAs, and links. Make adjustments to fix any existing friction.

Here’s a tip when working with heatmaps: The hottest spots are where visitors frequent the most. So, move your CTAs to those areas to boost your conversion rate.

Learn how to make the most of this tool with our Hotjar review.

Need to outrank competitors? Get hundreds of quality backlinks to boost domain authority, generate referral traffic, and get ahead of the competition.

HVAC CRO Strategy 2: Use the Right Keywords on Your Webpages

The focus here is on search engine result pages.

Most buying experiences start on the search engine. And the good thing is a lot of these searchers are bottom-of-the-funnel prospects, meaning they are ready to pay. So, using the right keywords puts your business in front of them, improving your conversion chances.

Google is the most-used search engine. So, it’s wise to prioritize it. 

Begin by adding your website to the Google Search Console to gain actionable insights to improve your organic search performance.

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Add the authentication code to your HVAC website’s header and submit your sitemap, and you’re set.

As your pages rank on Google, launch the Performance Report tool to see the keywords driving traffic to your website.

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Then, check the corresponding web pages to confirm their relevance to the phrases.

Also, include related keywords on other relevant pages where they’re missing. But avoid stuffing multiple pages with the same keyword, or you result in cannibalization.

Learn more about this practice from our HVAC SEO resource.

HVAC CRO Strategy 3: Retarget Website  Visitors With Ads

Stats show that a robust retargeting strategy can increase conversion rate by a whopping 150%. So, we recommend that you leverage it as part of your HVAC CRO plan.

Google Display ads and Facebook custom audience are the best way to go here. You’re showing customers what they’ve seen before. But the more they view your ads, the more likely they’ll engage.

Begin by using Google Analytics to build a remarketing audience.

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Google Analytics has many features, but the focus is on the Audience Builder.

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Use the Audience Builder tool to create a retargeting list based on your site’s insights and metrics.

For instance, you can create an audience of visitors that spend over five minutes on your HVAC product pages without purchasing.

We advise taking your time to create the retargeting list. But if not possible, then, leverage the Smart Lists feature.

Google Analytics Smart Lists will automatically generate a retargeting audience using AI. Then, connect the tool to Google Ads or other advertising software and run your campaign.

Alternatively, build a Facebook custom audience of your website visitors to retarget them. Follow the instructions here to pull it off.

Recommended For You: Gain powerful, actionable on-page optimization insights with Surfer SEO to outrank your competitors and dominate the organic competition.

HVAC CRO Strategy 4: Make it Easier for Visitors to Convert

It is advisable to encourage visitors to convert on your HVAC website rather than allowing them to navigate on their own. This can be done by providing clear and concise calls to action, using persuasive language, and offering incentives for conversion.

However, one of our favorite strategies is using chatbots. 

This workflow might work for you:

  • Ask them what their challenges are
  • Offer the helpful solution 
  • Request for their location, name, phone, and email contacts
  • Use Zapier to add the contact details to your email list
  • Use our HVAC email marketing strategies to nurture them into paying customer

Collect Chat is the solution we recommend here because it’s seamless to work with and free.

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Use any of the featured templates to add a chatbot to your HVAC website when you register. Customize the bot and follow-up responses. That’s all.

But to amplify your conversion rate even more, connect the chatbot to your marketing solution to transfer leads. You can do this easily using Zapier, and an ideal marketing solution to consider is Omnisend.

HVAC CRO Strategy 5: Employ Pop-ups to Lower Bounce Rate

Bounce rate measures how quickly people exit your web pages. As a result, if your bounce rate is high, conversion reduces, and vice versa.

One way to reduce the bounce rate is by capturing visitors’ attention so they don’t leave early.

Pop-ups — exit intent pop-ups, most especially — are golden for this strategy. You can create them with many online tools, but go for Poptin.

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Poptin has a stacked library of professionally designed pop-ups you can use. So, there’s no starting from scratch.

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Edit the templates and add highly engaging content to keep visitors on your sites. We advise creating p0p-ups that offer:

  • Discounts and hot sales
  • Free access to an exclusive service 
  • Lead magnets
  • Forms and surveys 

In addition, also create pop-ups that redirect visitors to other pages on your HVAC site, like blog posts, support resources, HVAC news, and others.

HVAC CRO Strategy 6: Set Clear Expectations With Compelling Copies

When it’s clear what customers must do on your website, it’s easier for them to convert. So, your HVAC marketing content must be concise and compelling.

To achieve that, create content that addresses your users’:

  • Needs
  • Pain points
  • Goals

For example, if you aim to get customers to purchase a product, talk less about features and more about benefits. That’s how you make it compelling.

Then, add a clear CTA for them to make the purchase. Use action verbs and urgency words, but do not go overboard.

It’s best to create multiple copies and run a split test to identify the most compelling and concise. You can access this feature if you’re using Omnisend.

Nevertheless, the A/B test is a stable feature in many marketing solutions, so your software should support it. 

Recommended For You? Learn how we use Omnisend for small business WhatsApp marketing. Uncover proven strategies to improve customer experience, strengthen brand awareness and increase sales.

HVAC CRO Strategy 7: Use Social Proof

Site visitors will easily trust your HVAC products and services if your existing customers confirm they’re reliable.

According to statistics, up to 92% of online shoppers consider reviews before making a purchase. With this, social proofs must form an intricate part of your HVAC CRO strategy.

Display all positive reviews and comments from your previous buyers on your website. Ensure it’s visible to new visitors.

You can use TrustIndex for this strategy.

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The tool lets you easily collect and display positive reviews on your site with a widget. You have over 25 professionally crafted styles to leverage, and Trust Index supports over 132 review platforms. 

Also, make use of Google My Business to collect reviews. It’s free to use, and an account will make you more visible on SERPs, meaning more conversions.

HVAC CRO Strategy 8: Add Explainer Videos

Text works, no doubt. But readers will only remember 10% of your message. In contrast, with video, viewers retain up to 95%.

Take advantage of this CRO booster by publishing explainer videos for visitors. Create many videos with expert information on how customers can use different HVAC products.

You’ll agree there are numerous video creation tools available. However, we always use Play.ht to create our marketing videos.

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The solution will work for your HVAC explainer videos as well.

Play.ht lets you convert written content into audio and get a perfect voice-over with AI. With this, you can save time and quickly turn your informative blog posts into explainer videos.

But ensure you keep the videos short — between 60 to 90 seconds — to not bore viewers. Also, when writing copies, add clear, concise CTAs.

We also recommend Contentreel and Lumen5 for creating engaging videos.

HVAC CRO Strategy 9: Convince With Psychological Tricks 

We all have emotions, and sometimes, our emotions drive us to make certain decisions. The same thing happens in business.

Many customers will convert if they relate to your HVAC products and services. And you can give them that push with some psychological tricks.

One ideal approach is to give before you take. That is, offer visitors a free item or service (perhaps a trial) before asking them to pay.

Of course, most customers will welcome a free item or trial since they pay nothing, and that alone counts as a conversion.

Subsequently, if they find value in your free offering, they’ll be willing to pay if the price is right. Check this post to learn psychological tricks on how to price your products.

Another approach you may not easily consider is your website design. 

Particularly, use colors and images that create an aesthetic and push viewers to engage. 

HVAC CRO Strategy 10: Use the Scarcity Principle

Here, the deal is using urgency tactics to activate FOMO among buyers. When you show customers an HVAC product is scarce, it has several implications, including:

  • The product is in high demand by other customers, which means it must be quality.
  • The product will soon go out of stock. So, if they need it, they must make the purchase immediately.

So, add elements that introduce scarcity to your HVAC product pages. For example, you can use countdown timers for discounted products, so it becomes crystal clear to customers how much time they have to take advantage of the low price.

Furthermore, display low stock alerts or live visits count for items in high demand. Tell customers how many have been sold, how many were ordered, and how many are remaining. This will entice visitors to take action as they don’t want to miss out.

Need to Get More From Your Existing Customers? Learn how we use Loyalzoo to improve customer retention rates, get more referrals and build a loyal customer base.

What Next On Improving HVAC Conversion Rate

You’ll know if your HVAC conversion rate is improving by comparing past and recent figures. As a result, we advise you to pay attention to Google Analytics. The website performance insights you get from the tool is second to none.

Set up conversion goals with Google Analytics using the Goals feature. Then, measure how each page on your HVAC website contributes to the conversion rate.

Also, analyze your traffic sources to get deeper insights into how visitors use your site. That way, you’ll know what interactions visitors engage in the most. Capitalizing on such interactions will further cause more conversions.

Hand-Picked For You:


What is conversion rate optimization?

Conversion rate optimization involves taking actions to compel more site visitors to engage and interact. It leads to more conversions for a business, meaning potentially higher revenue. 

How can HVAC contractors increase their conversion rate?

HVAC contractors can increase their conversion rate by implementing workable optimization strategies. You can check out the top ones explained in this post.

What is a good CRO rate for an HVAC business site?

The average CRO rate is between 2 to 5%. So, a good CRO rate for an HVAC business site should be closer to or more than 5%. You can achieve such a high conversion rate with the strategies in this post.

Should I measure my HVAC conversion rate per month or year?

Conversion rates are usually calculated per month or week. So, it’s best if you measure your HVAC conversion rate per month. Weekly is also ideal if you want to track changes within short periods.

Is CRO more important than profit?

CRO may not necessarily be more important than profit, but both are highly correlated. Without a high conversion rate on your HVAC website, it’s difficult to drive sales and profit.  


  • J.R. Isong

    As a business growth strategist, I specialize in helping small business, especially HVAC and Legal Practices, achieve sustainable growth through the development and implementation of strategic initiatives.

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