Home Marketing 7 eCommerce Marketing Campaign Ideas to Boost Your Sales This New Year

7 eCommerce Marketing Campaign Ideas to Boost Your Sales This New Year

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Learn how to promote your online store with these 7 eCommerce marketing campaign ideas to boost your sales in the New Year.

With the New Year comes the opportunity to make a fresh start. And one of the ways to do this as an online retailer is to create marketing campaigns that leverage the New Year for your eCommerce store.

You may not be aware, but the eCommerce market accounts for over $5.7 trillion in sales worldwide.

eCommerce is growing so fast that by the end of 2023, it’ll grow by over $600 billion. This trend is expected to continue, with online sales projected to reach more than $8.1 trillion by 2026—a 56% increase from 2021. (Source)

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As eCommerce expands in all directions and becomes an integral part of consumers’ everyday shopping experience, it presents an enormous opportunity for entrepreneurs and business owners.

7 eCommerce Marketing Campaign Ideas to Boost Your Sales This New Year 1
Image Credit: Statista

However, like most industries with prospects, the eCommerce space has become more competitive, with more businesses, platforms, and complimentary services entering the market.

This means, amongst other things, you will need to differentiate your brand from the sea of other competing businesses in the niche.

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To help you take your eCommerce store to the next level in 2023, here are 7 proven marketing campaign ideas you can implement right now.

eCommerce Marketing Campaigns Ideas for The New Year

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Shamelessly promote new arrivals

This is the perfect time to stock up on new in-demand products, as most online shoppers will look for new stuff in the New Year.

Everything new reminds this category of individuals that the new year is here, and they mentally calculate that it is time for them to do away with old stuff.

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Therefore, start educating old and prospective shoppers about new colors, trends, and upcoming needs that they may not even be aware of. You will experience a rise in sales as your business flourishes with the wave and trend of the brand-new year.

Offer add-ons instead of percentages

When you offer discounts on your products, you eat into the total possible revenue you could have generated from a particular product.

And, besides, you don’t want your customers getting accustomed to a discount every time they buy from you.

Sure, discounts have their place in your marketing toolkit. But, instead of discounts, try to offer add-ons to your products while keeping the original price.

Be sure to use add-ons that are relatively inexpensive so that the margins you make on each product sold can cover their cost while leaving you a healthy profit.

Researchers found that when trying to understand how consumers react to discounts and freebies shoppers prefer getting something extra over getting something cheaper (source).

So how do you use add-ons in your marketing?

Remember these two concepts often used by retailers: “50 per cent off a bundle of products” and “Buy One, Get One Free.”

Both of these concepts may seem the same, but they are not. And they don’t impact customers equally, even when products promoted using each copy have the same value.

The thing is, people prefer to “Buy one and get one free” instead of “50 per cent off a bundle of products or items.”

And who says you can’t combine both if you want to stand out from competitors in your niche?

Yes, you can say “25 per cent off all customized turtlenecks plus a free hooded jacket with any turtleneck purchase!”

This unique selling point (USP) will grab prospective buyers’ attention.

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Winter sales

The winter season is usually at its peak in January. As a savvy online retailer, you must not miss this opportunity to mix commerce and season. In other words, you should market your products and brands to perfectly sync with the winter season.

At this time of the year, winter accessories, clothes, etc. are always in huge demand. Make sure your products match trending fashion styles, and you will be amazed at how your business will skyrocket before the month runs out.

Capitalize on New Year’s resolutions

Most people usually make New Year resolutions. And they do this – in most cases – to live a better life, viz., lose weight, sleep better, get married, eat better, quit smoking and alcohol consumption, etc.

Your duty as a smart marketer is to draw advantages from this situation. Start inspiring your shoppers by showing them products that will make their New-Year resolutions a reality.

Show them exactly how your products will help them push them to achieve their desired goals for the year.

For instance, do you have products that can boost productivity, such as smart mobile devices? What about products that promote sound health, such as diet plans, exercise equipment, etc.? Offer these products to your target market and see your sales soar beyond your imagination!

Send shopping cart abandonment emails

This is where you need to start using street-smart remarketing tactics by sending highly personalized emails to potential shoppers that have abandoned their shopping carts.

For customers who were interested enough to log into the platform, you can send a customized email – i.e. with their names, city etc. – along with high-definition images of the items they showed interest in.

These emails have been proven to be incredibly powerful as they have accounted for millions in earned income on eCommerce platforms.

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“Top 10 Must-Haves” in the New Year

Oh, how people love listicles or articles with lists! And they love it, even more when the list has to do with trendy items they must have at the beginning of the New Year.

You can use this highly effective marketing and strategic content marketing trick to bring about the best buys for the season.

In most cases, “Top 10 must-haves” refer to trending products or things that are usually in fashion for the season.

People cannot do without these items, which significantly increases the chances of getting such products or items sold off quickly and profitably.

Host a Giveaway

If you have been in this business for a considerable time, you must know that people love free stuff.

So, why not consider giving away a very cool product or a collection of products? The amount of buzz you will generate cannot be quantified when you follow this route to market your brand.

Get people to share your giveaway on social media with the promise of a gift if they do so, and your exposure will skyrocket exponentially.

Giveaways allow you to place your brand right in front of tons of new – and existing – pairs of eyes, thereby growing your email marketing list. This will enable you to reach out to them in the future with juicy offers they will find difficult to turn down.

Wrapping It Up

Above are 7 marketing campaign ideas in January for eCommerce that you can run with if you hope to make big bucks this season. You can make use of any of these marketing tactics at your discretion.

But one thing is sure: you will make crazy sales and profits judiciously using these marketing ideas.

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